On the construction of a battery plant IPOWER LLC (Brest district executive committee)

One of the topical issues which during the last months constantly discussed in the media, is the question of the construction of a battery factory in SEZ "Brest". On this issue in the periodicals and in the Internet was published a large number of materials, expressing an opinion as competent in these matters specialists, and various community activists often lacked the relevant qualifications and knowledge, but surely giving the "expert opinion." In this flow of information and the various conflicting opinions is quite difficult to understand. In this connection, you need to pay attention to a number of facts with documentary evidence.

Source: Brest regional Executive Committee

Society with limited liability  IPower is registered as the resident of free economic zone decree of the administration of FEZ "Brest" from 26.04.2016 No. 05-R. a Construction of a battery factory in the industrial zone within the boundaries of FEZ "Brest", the area of the Airport, determined based on the results of the Commission's choice of the land plot, established by the decision of the Brest regional Executive Committee from 15.07.2016 No. 1095.

Under the construction project of the battery plant, the state educational INSTITUTION "Republican centre of the state ecological examination and improvement of professional skill of executives and specialists" Ministry of natural resources approved the positive conclusion of state ecological expertise № 759/2017 from 26.05.2017. The documents for state ecological expertise on the construction project this project has been submitted for state environmental review in full.

When carrying out the state ecological examination it is established that the solutions contained in the construction project meet all the requirements of regulatory legal acts and technical normative legal acts in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

According to SI "Brest regional centre of hygiene, epidemiology and public health" at the facility does not provide for the implementation of industrial processes for the recycling of non-ferrous metals and as raw material for the production of batteries will be used in the finished lead and lead-calcium alloy ingots. In this regard, according to the current lawthe government base the size of the sanitary protection zone for the production of lead batteries is 500 metres away.

In accordance with the current legislation for lead and other substances established the maximum allowable concentration in almost all food products (meat, dairy, fish products, vegetables, fruits, berries, etc.), and companies-food producers carry out production control of manufactured products, including those for lead content.

Treatment of food products not complying with the hygiene regulations establishing requirements for safety and harmlessness of food products for humans, is not allowed.

During gossannadzor for the period from 2012 to 2017. g. exceeding of hygienic standards for lead content in food products on the territory of Brest region, including in the city of Brest and Brest district, not identified.

In addition, the laboratory of si "Brest regional centre of hygiene, epidemiology and public health" accredited to conduct studies of lead concentrations in ambient air and soil. Under the state sanitary supervision in the area of influence of the enterprise on the border of the sanitary protection zone and settlements will be carried out laboratory studies of atmospheric samples in the framework of social-hygienic monitoring.

The multiplicity of these studies will be determined after input of object in operation. The results of these studies will be available for inspection in the Department "Brest zone centre of hygiene and epidemiology".

It should be understood that such enterprises operate in neighbouring countries, both in the West and in the East. Plants for the production of lead-acid batterieovo-acid batteries have in almost all Western European countries, Russia and Ukraine. In Europe annually produces about 100 million (or 2 million tons) only starter lead-acid batteries. The factories themselves are in large cities or near them, which is possible due to the applied purification technologies. For example, in Poland the production of which used lead, are near Warsaw and Poznan. The country has world-famous factories for the processing of lead batteries BATERPOL S. A. and the "ORZEL BIALY" S. A. the same plant BATERPOL S. A. located in the city of Katowice. In Mielec production of batteries using lead-acid technology is engaged in the enterprise AUTOPART (capacity of about 2 million per year), in poznań operates a similar plant with a capacity of about 5 million batteries per year. The same production are located in the cities of the Piast, Myszkow. Plants for the production of industrial batteries operate within cities Bialska-Biala and Gliwice. In the special economic zone Euro-Park Wroclaw LG has started to build a plant for the production of lithium batteries for cars with a capacity of 100 thousand pieces per year.

This industry is an important component of the Polish economy, bringing the country's Treasury billions of dollars in foreign exchange revenues annually, an industry that employs tens of thousands of people. Confirmation of the importance of these industries for Poland are permanent subsidies by the government on the development of such enterprises. National metallurgical industry makes the Polish producers of batteries are among the most competitive in the European market. And the fact that these companies are safe, evidenced by their location. Modern cleaning technologies allow you to "fit" these companies even in the city, reducing the "sanitary protection" zones. Example of the factory ZAP — Pastave (over the fence the gardens of private houses), the largest European plant of Exide in poznań and factory in Mielec, which are located from the housing at a distance less than 400 meters.

We have the same plant is being built on the territory of the free economic zone, near the airport and a dozen other industrial enterprises, a few kilometers from the city, and the level of decisions on environmental safety confirmed, including the above positive conclusion of state ecological expertise.

It is also important the economic benefits of opening the facility near Brest. Belarus is one of the few countries that does not have its own facilities for the production of batteries and is completely dependent on imports. But we have such giants as MAZ, MTZ, BelAZ... it Turns out that tens of millions of dollars per year go abroad. At the same time, the creation we have closed cycle of production of lead-acid batteries not only save serious budget money, but also will allow to solve many economic, social and scientific problems. This import substitution, the development of export-oriented production, creation of new jobs, formation of R & d center technological know-how, market development, accumulation, energy storage, and others.

However, the production of batteries is a complicated process that causes concern for many residents of our region. In this regard, it should be noted that the question on construction of the plant is under the control of the Ministry of natural resources and protection of environmenther environment. Moreover, on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus on the issues created and operates the Republican Commission from among the representatives of the Ministry of natural resources, EMERCOM, Ministry of health, Ministry of transport, the State Committee for standardization and the Brest regional Executive Committee.