Belarusian scientists see potential in the development of lead-acid batteries

The joint Institute of mechanical engineering of the NAS of Belarus presented the experimental plot of the electric components of the electric drive and energy storage. Representatives of the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP discussed with Belarusian scientists in the development of electric vehicle and battery industry in Belarus.

The General Director of the joint Institute of mechanical engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Sergei Poddubko informed the participants about the components of the electric drive, power electronics and control systems, energy storage devices of own development and have acquainted with promising projects to create a model of a number of prefabricated electric cars of domestic production.

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Photo. "Components of electrical power plants"

1AK-GROUP is interested in the development of battery industry in the Republic of Belarus, as one of the key directions of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus, including as part of the development of electric vehicles. The General Director of the Scientific-practical center for material physics, Institute of physics of solids and semiconductors, doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, Fedosyuk V. M. said that the developed graphene technology used in one of the prototypes of electric cars in the future to develop the capacity of lead-acid batteries.

"The national Academy of Sciences of Belarus is developing a large number of technological and technical solutions in the field of batteries, including for electric vehicle. Today lead-acid batteries are one of the most budget energy storage in the world, recycling this battery is more than 95%, which is the highest in the world, bringing a lead-acid battery in the first place for processing. Despite this, there remain some features of this type of battery that can't put the lead battery on the primary place of use. Today very popular are lithium-ion batteries, their capacity is more, but they are more expensive. In our view, lead-acid battery can increase the useful life and also the capacity with graphene technologies in the production of lead storage batteries. In addition to these advantages of graphene, it is also an environmentally friendly material, which undoubtedly is a big plus for modern society", — said Valery.

In addition to graphene developments were presented: adjustable Electromechanical actuator for two-wheelers, commercial electric, Electromechanical actuator BELAZ new generation of basic modules batteries, battery chargers, electric traction automobile vehicle, and more.

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Photo. "Wheeled vehicle"

The work on the Belarusian electric vehicles began in 2016, we have set up a centre for electric and electronic actuators formed the scientific school on design of power electric drives for transport. There is a team of motors, inverters, control, power electronics and traction batteries. Belarusian scientists set themselves an ambitious task: not only to collect electric on imported equipment, but also to create a production of their components. In fact, to create the industry of electric components in the country. Having them in stock can any transport for a short time to transfer electricity.

Today the business is actively interested in scientific developments and interested in the development of technology. In turn, the Belarusian scientific community is ready to cooperate with business and, as a consequence, to the creation of effective interaction and development of battery industry and electric vehicles.

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Photo. "The Belarusian electric vehicle on the basis of the GEELY SC7"

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Photo "Commercial electric car (type minivan)"