Energy storage technologies are an industry that will change the world

The McKinsey company in the study "Breakthrough technologies: achievements that will change our life, business and the world economy" published a list of 12 breakthrough technologies, which by 2025 will change the face of the global economy. One of such technologies is the technology of energy storage and storage.

The problem of accumulation of energy is now one of the key for the entire world energy. Modern technologies are able to provide a sufficient level of generation, however, the lack of cost-effective storage technologies remains relevant and it limits the opportunities for energy development. Energy storage technology is a new science-intensive industry, the development of which has become one of the strategic directions for European countries and the nearest neighbors of the Republic of Belarus. For example, the Concept for the Development of the Market for Electricity Storage Systems in the Russian Federation was developed, the goal of which is to provide a technological breakthrough in the next 10 years, the development and implementation of industrial energy storage systems as a new cluster of nanotechnologies. The International Energy Commission in the White Paper «The Global Energy Interconnection» notes that energy consumption in the world will support a growing trend, accordingly, energy storage technologies and smart electric grids should play an important role in human development.

What are the prospects for this market?
It is estimated that the capacity of energy storage systems used throughout the world will grow from 500 MW in 2018 to 30,000 MW by 2035. The volume of the world energy storage market will reach 80 billion USD per year by 2025, while Russia’s share in this market is projected to be 10% (8 billion US dollars).

What technologies are used?
From the point of view of the technologies used, various technological solutions for its accumulation are available in the energy storage and storage market, including lead-acid, lithium-ion, nickel-based, sodium-based. All of them have potential for use under different conditions, and the main parameters of choice are productivity, safety, price. Each of these technologies has its advantages and limitations for use.

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Lead-acid technologies are applicable for industrial energy storage systems: they are at a higher stage of technological development, nominal costs for their implementation are the lowest. In addition, the use of lead-acid technologies is in demand in the future and environmentally safe, thanks to the recycling technologies mastered. Recycled lead accounts for more than half of the world’s total metal production: in the USA, more than 80% of lead is produced by recycling, in Europe — about 60%.

According to forecasts (BCC Research) by 2025, the global capacity of the segment of energy storage systems using lead-acid technologies will be more than 18% of the market or $ 725 million.

Will we join a team of global players in the storage and energy storage market?
In the Republic of Belarus, conditions have been created for the development of the direction of energy storage systems: domestic scientists are developing, the industrial sector has mastered the technologies for lead recycling and industrial production of lead-acid batteries, and mastered the production of supercapacitors for electric buses.

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Figure - Preconditions for the creation of a science-intensive cluster of CCE

Benefit from the development of this direction will get everything: for energy producers — it is equalizing the load schedule and optimizing energy production, for energy suppliers — reducing electricity losses, for consumers — cheap electricity, critical equipment work in case of outages with electricity.


Lemeshevsky V.M., General Director of 1AK-GROUP Holding

Vertai S.P., PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy General Director for Marketing of 1AK-GROUP Holding