In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus data during a visit to Brest, the procedure for public ecological expertise (pee) project documentation for the construction of the "Accumulator plant LLC "IPower" with its own boiler to natural gas, address: Brest district, of FEZ "Brest", neighborhood "Airport"". Adjustment.
During pee public, with the assistance of independent experts, given the possibility of performing the assessment of conformity of project documentation, at the battery plant, the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on protection of environment and rational use of natural resources.
In accordance with the law, and to provide equal opportunities to applicants, 30 December 2019, LLC "IPower" have posted a notice about the start of the procedure. Up to 15 January 2020 was accepting applications from initiators pee — citizens of the Republic of Belarus and public associations operating in the field of environmental protection. Applications for the initiation of pee came from the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, residents of Brest, Kobrin and G. p. Zelva.
The package of documents for the OEE transferred to one applicant. They became Skrabutan Eugene, a resident of G. p. Zelva. Two of the initiator from receiving the project documentation refused. LLC "IPower" provides the initiators, refused to accept the project documents, the additional opportunity of receiving it. For these claimants sent a notice with additional invitation to provide documents in 23.01.2020, time from 10.00 to 19.00.
LLC "IPower" modern and environmentally friendly production. The choice of technology and equipment (including gas cleaning) are designed to reduce impacts on the environment. In this regard, the development of the initial version of the project documentation were taken into account the scenario with the minimal impact of production on the environment, without taking into account the worst possible conditions. In the project documentation discussed the operation modes of the equipment (including gas) with maximum efficiencythe activities of the purification (to 99.9%). In accordance with this scenario, the project is reasonably designed and made as the standard of permissible emissions of lead and its compounds, the value at the level of 3.05 kg/year.
LLC "IPower" changed the General designer and finalized project documentation. On the basis of complaints of citizens, adopted the concept of assessment in project documentation the most adverse impact of the enterprise on the environment.
Project organization LLC "NPF "Ecology" took into account objective comments and suggestions, including those received from the public, and assessed the most unfavorable from the point of view of impact on the environment, modes of operation of the enterprise.
The draft was finalized taking into account the following principles:
1) Efficiency of gas cleaning equipment is calculated according to the lowest value of the indicator of the level of treatment of pollutants.
2) maximum account of the possible receipt of lead in ambient air with the flue gases process equipment.
3) take into account possible non-localized maximum local suction of receipt of lead into the air from General ventilation systems.
4) Updated emissions from process equipment: revised the operation of the equipment and is considered not actually planned modes of operation, and most unfavourable (simulated) modes in terms of emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air.
The maximum amount of emissions, surface concentrations of all pollutants (including lead and its compounds) does not exceed established as valid in the Republic of Belarus. The greatest possible volume of emissions of lead is 29 kg/year.
Due to the fact that the project is not completed in ;of the individual positions, but in General, applicants OEE is passed to the project in full, including adjustments, and not its individual sections. The documents in the same lineup will be submitted for the state ecological examination of project documentation.