On IPower LLC a meeting was held with reporters to discuss the status of input of object of construction into operation

On IPower LLC on June 11, 2019, a meeting was held with representatives of the media and bloggers of the Republic of Belarus. The meeting was dedicated to discussion of the status of facility construction, IPower LLC is in the operation, environmental issues, the work done on the implementation of the project. In addition, representatives of the battery factory responded to frequently asked media questions.

Currently, battery plant, located on the territory of FEZ Brest is in the process of putting the object of construction into operation. On 11.06.2019 year received a positive opinion from the following bodies: state Brest zone centre of hygiene and epidemiology, the Brest regional Department of emergency situations of Belarus, the state energy supervision Committee of the Brest region, Brest regional management Gospromnadzor, the OHS Management of GAI of the Brest regional Executive Committee.

Of the 38 existing plant stationary sources of emissions (1st phase), including 30 standard, is not yet confirmed design parameters of maximum permissible emissions in only 2 locations:

The total excess emissions on an annual basis, according to sources with a maximum load of production (the production of 2 million battery) is 120 grams per year.

Currently, measures are being taken to debug work of GOU (pollution control equipment) and thin his ponastroila for output to stable project operation, ensuring achievement of project emissions during normal operation of the process equipment.

After the press conference with participation of Director of the company Sergei Melnykovych, chief engineer of  IPower LLC Sergei Dubnovitsky and Manager-corporate governance environment - 1AK-GROUP (PACK-upravlenie LLC) Alexander Undevitum, journalists went on an excursion to the production Department. Excursions also include group excursions was also attended by the representative of the initiative group of the city of Brest Vladislav Abramovich.

On IPower LLC a meeting was held with reporters to discuss the status of input of object of construction into operation - 1

On IPower LLC a meeting was held with reporters to discuss the status of input of object of construction into operation - 2

Photo courtesy of Sputnik. by
About the outcome of the meeting is available by clicking on the following links:
https://www. sb. by/articles/akkumulyatornyy-zavod-poka-ne-poluchil-vse-razreshitelnye-dokumenty-na-pusk-predpriyatiya. html

https://www. sb. by/articles/akkumulyatornyy-zavod-na-dnyakh-nikto-ne-zapuskaet-rabota-komissii-na-ooo-aypauer-budet-prodlena-do-.html

https://virtualbrest. by/news67047.php

https://belta. by/regions/view/rabota-komissii-po-priemke-akkumuljatornogo-zavoda-v-breste-prodlena-do-21-ijunja-350698-2019/

https://news. tut. by/society/641243.html

https://euroradio. fm/EN/priyomku-akkumulyatornogo-plant-v-breste-prodlili-do-21-iyunya

https://www. belnovosti. by/obshchestvo/protivniki-akkumulyatornogo-plant-29-raz-vyzyvali-na-predpriyatie-mchs-i-72-raza

https://m. sputnik. by/society/20190612/1041553199/Rukovodstvo-akkumulyatornogo-esli-budut-zakryvat-tozhe-vyydem-s-protestom. html? mobile_return=no