The decision to build the plant makes economic sense and does not harm nature, said scientific Secretary of the Center for strategic analysis and strategic research of NAS of Belarus, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor Oleg White during the round table, which took place on 8 February at the Academy of Sciences.
Oleg White said that he had read the report on the assessment of environmental impacts under construction near Brest battery factory and talked with experts from the Ministry of environment. During the roundtable, the candidate of technical Sciences, noted that the main emission of the enterprise is lead.
"On the program "Ecologist" is the dispersion of substances in the atmosphere that will come out through the tube. To zero clear can not be. I do not recall such a purification system that will be installed at the factory", IPower", — 99,9%. This is one of the most efficient systems of cleaning. If it is observed, then influence on the environment will not. (...) On the designed sanitary protection zone of the plant 500 m — lead level is 0.02 shares of MPC. Fears that the sanitary-protective zone should be in 1 km is not justified. The company can order the calculation of the sanitary-protective zone on the basis of those technologies in the enterprise. Outside this zone, the planned enterprise on the environment harmful effects has not. Based on these documents that I have considered", — said Mr. White.
According to him, construction of the plant will emit 4 tons 600 kg of emissions per year. In this lead — no more than 3 kg per year.
Treatment facilities at the company are Belarusian and Western European production with elements of Chinese.
"In China, can manufacture the equipment of any quality. If you order expensive equipment, it Budet very high quality. The control system will be installed on the equipment as a sensor and displayed on the control panel. All will be monitored by the monitoring system installed at the factory. Besides, the enterprise of such level will be included in the national monitoring system in a mandatory order," assured Oleg White.
Monitoring the battery will be the main substances that will be emitted into the atmosphere. In the lead — once a month for oxidized lignite through extraction hydrocarbons — once a year. In addition, every six months will test the water. Primary control to be provided by the laboratory at the plant. Then data will be transferred in regional Committee of natural resources and then to the relevant Ministry. Monitoring data will quarterly be published in the Gazette of the Ministry.
As said Oleg White, waste on the plant site will not be buried:
"Waste management involves the storage of up to mashinoemkosti and then export to the appropriate facility for disposal. Water in open reservoirs not drained. Some of the water goes in a cycle, and the sewage treatment plant. It should all be sealed".
Candidate of technical Sciences also said that the development of the EIA were considered an emergency.
"There are two points where you can encounter an emergency situation, the production. First in the warehouse during storage of sulfuric acid. There is a special pit and a special system of neutralization of sulfuric acid. The people working with sulfuric acid, must be in the appropriate garb. The second place where you store lead powder. It can store up to 30 days. After 30 days it is not necessary to keep, since changing its technological properties. If the container is leaking or is cracked, then there is a special Assembly conditions. People come and collect this waste and send to the warehouse of hazardous waste 1 and 2 class in a sealed container," — said Oleg Zubkov.
Recall that a battery plant on the site of the Airport in the free economic zone "Brest" will be built in 2018. According to the EIA, the industrial new building will be located North of 750 metres from the Western edge of the village hubs in the South-East to 1200 m from the holiday village, from the South to 1800 m from Sabrina in the West to 2500 m from the Thelma-2 East — 2 km from the Mukhavets river.
Start of construction has caused discontent of the inhabitants of the surrounding villages. The villagers learned about the construction of the plant of the press was outraged, why the authorities at the Brest regional Executive Committee is not asked their opinion on the matter. As it turned out, the procedure of public discussions were held in December 2016. But then the "comments and suggestions" from the public received. Residents of the Brest region insist they are on public discussion didn't, as the ad was published in the local newspaper "dawn over the bug river", which has a circulation of 3,400 copies, and on the website of the Executive Committee. Held in the village of Talma meeting of the authorities and business representatives with the public gave no results.
Now in Brest is the collection of signatures for the suspension of construction. At the end of January the appeal was signed by over 20 thousand people. In addition, people wrote statements to the court and the Prosecutor's office with the requirement to suspend construction of the facility and to check its compliance with environmental regulations.
Read more: https://news. tut. by/society/580477.html