Information about results of the open reception of citizens by administration of IPower LLC

09.01.2020 held an open reception of citizens by administration of IPower LLC. Reception of citizens was carried out according to the legal address of the enterprise specified in its Charter and is used for receiving mail.

Reception of citizens conducted by:
1. Dmitry Butov, the operating Director of Group of companies 1AK-GROUP
2. Uncivic Alexander, Manager for corporate governance, environmental protection of Group of companies 1AK-GROUP
3.Orehov Yuri, responsible for work with citizens of IPower LLC

Individual reception of citizens were asked the following questions (answers are given in an extended version):

1. The plant is almost built, it remains the event in his introduction. Is there a clear algorithm by which the plant will be commissioned?
Responsible Butov Dmitry, chief operating officer of the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP:
— Yes, of course, the algorithm exists, and we are going according to this algorithm:
1. 30 December published a notification about conducting of the public ecological expertise.
2. In the period up to January 15, 2020 IPower LLC receives the application from the initiators of intent to conduct public environmental expertise. Next, after the expiration of the period for the submission of applications within 5 working days proponents will be notified of the date, time and place of the transfer of the project documentation for the initiators on the basis of acceptance of the transfer of such documentation.
3. Within 30 days after receipt of the initiators of the project documentation (i.e. from the moment of signing of act of transfer) will be carried out public ecological expertise (note: if you have filed in the prescribed manner of statements), in which the public, the initiators, you will receive a detention.
4. Submission of documents for state environmental review: after conducting a public environmental review will analyze the comments and proposals contained in the conclusion of the publicgovernmental ecological expertise. In the event of their validity, on the basis of these observations, may be made changes and additions to the project documentation. Further project documentation in the prescribed manner will be sent for state environmental review
5. Further, after the positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise is implemented a complex of measures on commissioning of the plant in accordance with applicable law.

2. The commissioning of this production is impossible without the implementation of public examination?
Responsible Butov Dmitry, chief operating officer of the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP:
The decision on providing additional opportunities for public ecological expertise based on the expressed opinion of the head of State at a press conference 06.09.2019 when visiting Brest in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the city that the project battery plant, requires "national review". This statement of the President of the Republic of Belarus is actually his Commission and enforceable.
In relation to the planned economic activity of IPower LLC (manufacturing of lead-acid batteries erected on the plant in SEZ "Brest") in the prescribed manner have already been carried out assessing the impact of planned economic activities on the environment, including the procedure for public discussions of the report on the assessment of environmental impact (hereinafter — EIA), during which the public was given the opportunity to initiate public environmental review (minutes of public discussion of the report on the assessment of the environmental impact from 09.01.2017).
In this connection, IPower LLC onwas ratios for explaining the procedure and the possibility of conducting a public ecological examination of the object with the already carried out EIA procedure in the administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus. In the reply to the petition, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (from 22.10.2019 No. 02/105-971/11747р) instructed the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus to clarify IPower LLC issues of public environmental expert review of design documentation for construction of a battery factory in the Brest district. After receiving all clarifications and consultations on the question of carrying out of public ecological examination for objects with the already carried out EIA procedure, the Customer of public ecological expertise (IPower LLC) have placed a notification on its conduct.

3. To my knowledge the project has passed examination and according to him no questions. Are there any questions on the divergence of actual and projected emissions?
Responsible Butov Dmitry, chief operating officer of the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP:
When existing emission sources, it was possible for the company to include in project emissions of lead and its compounds in the amount of up to 124 kg per year, which is adhered to the fixed standard of air quality in relation to the content of lead and its compounds at the border of sanitary-protective zone.
In this particular case projected at about 3 kg per year, but in fact it turned out a slight excess (note: difference was based of 0.12 kg per year).
In this respect (and it is natural in such cases, the standard process) to the design documentation was amended. The revised draft in complex and will be presented for public ecological expertise and public ecological expertise.

Despite repeated invitations by the employees of IPower LLC part of the citizens from the individual receiving and/or submitting collective appeals refused. Statements of intent to conduct public environmental expertise during the reception of citizens is not received. At the request of the citizens were given the opportunity to make an entry in the book of complaints and suggestions IPower LLC.

As it was, watch the video clip:

We remind you that on 30 December 2019, IPower LLC has published a notification about conducting of the public ecological expertise of design documentation on object of construction: "Battery plant IPower LLC" with its own boiler to natural gas, address: Brest district, of FEZ "Brest", region "Airport".

A statement of intent to conduct public environmental review can be sent to the postal address of IPower LLC — 224020, Brest region, Brest, ul. Pionerskaya d. 52, of. 608. Applications can be submitted up to 15 January 2020.

Public ecological examination is carried out under support of the customer (JSC "IPower") activities of the claimants (the initiators). So, to answer the questions arising in the ;the application process and conducting the public ecological expertise of design documentation on object of construction: "Battery plant IPower LLC,  open line of the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP is available for everyone:
— email at info@1ak-group. com,
in chat 1ak-group. com,
— phone number +375 44 500 55 20.

Note: when preparing the video materials used 's YouTube channel.