An extra day to transfer the project documentation to OEE via battery plant IPower LLC

IPower LLC offered an extra day 23.01.2020 for the transfer of project documentation proponents of public ecological expertise, filed an application for it. To transfer the project documentation the time was offered from 10:00 to 19:00. The initiators have not used this opportunity.

We inform you that 22.01.2020 to the electronic address of the open line of the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP of the applicants received information with the refusal to accept documents for the OEE in additional day. For its part, we appreciate this is not the desire of the initiators to take part in the procedure of public ecological expertise (pee) and delay time. Despite the claims about wanting to hold pee, appellants Bekalu Dmitry and Vladimir Moroz refused to actively participate.

We remind you that the notice of the public environmental review was posted  by IPower LLC 30 Dec 2019. Statement from the initiators of the public environmental review were accepted until January 15, 2020. Three citizens of the Republic of Belarus received two applications for initiation pee.

21 January 2020 applicant Skrabutan Eugene received a package of documents for holding of pee, stated in the notice of the time, from 15.00 to 16.00, it is enough to check composition and completeness of documentation, and signing the act of acceptance-transmission. The results of public ecological expertise, reasoned conclusions and comments of the independent experts involved in Skrabutan E. L., must be submitted by February 21, 2020.

Appellants Bekalu Dmitry and Vladimir Moroz on 21 January 2020 from receipt of project documentation refused, calling the following causes:

the initiators did not have enough time. While 21.01.2020 year, the initiator Babaluku D. V.  was informed that the time for receiving the documentation from 11.00 to 12.00. The Initiator Frost V. N. it was informed that the delivery  of documentation will happen from 13.00 to 14.00. Hour time between the applicants was given to further work with the applicants on emerging questions. Thus the initiators of Babaluku D. V. and Moroz V. N. in total, participants were given 4 hours to take the documentation (from 11.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 14.00, additional questions to 15.00).

In response to the comment about the lack of time the initiators were asked indefinitely extend the time of acceptance of their documentation, or to arrive at any convenient day. In particular, the applicants proposed time 23.01.2020 from 10.00 till 19.00, and the initiators are notified.

Following the applicant, Skrabutan E. L., were invited to 15.00.

— no modified EIA. Proponents, as part of the procedure of acceptance of the documentation were explained the requirements of the legislation on the conditions in which to carry out the revision of the EIA. It was also suggested in case of disagreement with the explanations make this remark in conclusion OEE, the validity of which would be evaluated by specialists of the Ministry of nature.

—  there is no signatures of executor on a separate sheet of GP (General plan). IPower LLC received from the project organization documentation in electronic form, the proponent was requested to assure each sheet with stamps.

IPower LLC provides additional third, the ability of applicants to Babaluku Dmitry and Vladimir Moroz to adopt a package of project documentation 27 January 2020 from 10.00 to 19.00.

If you have any questions on the construction project "Battery plant IPower LLC", please refer to the open line of the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP that are available:
— by email at info@1ak-group. com , in chat 1ak-group. com
— by phone number +375 44 500 55 20