Zubr Energy LLC - Belarusian manufacturer of batteries

Zubr Energy LLC is a Belarusian manufacturer of batteries. The company is part of the structure of the diversified Holding 1AK-GROUP. Thanks to the vertical integration of the companies, the holding provides a full cycle of production and distribution of batteries. The battery plant of Zubr Energy LLC is located in the Brest region in the city of Pinsk.

1AK-GROUP began working in the battery market since 1995, specializing mainly in the wholesale supply of batteries to the Republic of Belarus. Having acquired the necessary experience and knowledge, having formed a professional team, we thought about creating a full cycle of battery production in our country, because such production simply did not exist. The manufacturing company was registered in 1999, and its own battery assembly production appeared in 2000. In 2024, the plant celebrates its 25th anniversary.

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Zubr Energy LLC was built directly by specialists from Exide Corporation, one of the world leaders in the production of batteries. All accumulated technical knowledge, technological and engineering solutions were used in the construction of the plant and the development of the battery business. The Zubr Energy LLC plant produces starter lead-acid batteries with a capacity of 50-220 Ah for automotive vehicles.

The enterprise was designed taking into account the requirements of the automotive industry to supply batteries for the first set. Since 2012, Zubr Energy LLC has been supplying batteries to the assembly lines of global and domestic automakers. During this time, batteries were supplied to complete Volkswagen Group passenger cars (Volkswagen, Škoda) to both assembly sites of the concern in Kaluga and Nizhny Novgorod. In total, starting in 2012 and throughout the entire period of cooperation, more than 500 thousand cars with batteries produced at the Belarusian Zubr Energy plant rolled off the assembly line of the world giant.

A heavy group of batteries has been supplied to the Belarusian assembly plants MAZ and MTZ. Zubr Energy covers almost the entire need of these enterprises for a product line of batteries.

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The history of cooperation with the Geely concern began in 2019, when the Atlas car began to be assembled using the small-unit assembly method at a plant near Borisov. More than 10 thousand Atlas brand vehicles rolled off the BelGee assembly line with a ZUBR battery on board.

Now Zubr Energy is actively working with other manufacturers of automotive and tractor equipment, conducting audits.

Over many years of cooperation with automakers, the plant has established itself as a reliable supplier of quality products. The Zubr Energy battery plant is certified by international bodies according to the standards ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949:2016, ISO 14001:2015.

The IATF standard verifies that Zubr Energy’s quality management systems meet the requirements of enterprises engaged in the design, development and production of automotive products.

The ISO 14001:2015 standard confirms that the plant has implemented and operates an environmental management system aimed at reducing the impact of production processes on the environment and the rational use of irreplaceable resources. It is important to note that lead-acid batteries best fit the circular economy concept. Of all the technologies used in the production of chemical current sources and energy storage devices, only for lead-acid batteries is recycling and reuse in the production process more than 90%.

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The company has electrical and chemical laboratories that allow testing the quality of the entire range of products. The laboratories are equipped with modern equipment. Batteries are tested for electrical performance, the number of discharge-charge cycles, durability, water consumption and other indicators. The chemical laboratory carries out incoming control of materials entering the enterprise. The quality of produced semi-finished products is checked at each stage of production.

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Thanks to the quality ensured at all stages of production, the popularity of Belarusian battery brands of the 1AK-GROUP Holding is growing. Popularity and recognition in the domestic and foreign markets is growing among brands such as ZUBR, VOLAT PRIME, ENRUN, EUROSTART, MASTER BATTERIES and other brands.

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Lead-acid batteries are widely used for all types of automotive equipment. Chemical power sources based on this technology have potential growth in the autonomous vehicle market. Lead-acid batteries are used in all types of electric vehicles to support the safety and reliability of the on-board network. Zubr Energy’s development plans include mastering the technology for manufacturing AGM starter batteries, as well as producing PzS and OPzS cells for traction and stationary industrial batteries.

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