In the "Zelenyi bor" continues to work on the removal of waste

In the framework of the implementation of the Decision of the Ivatsevichi district Executive Committee № 579 dated may 18, 2018 "On liquidation of the places of unauthorized placement (disposal) of industrial wastes", as 21 September 2018, Belinvesttorg–Splav LLC sold previously approved plans shipments and ensure export to the sanctioned place of burial 10789,42 tons of ash lead.

Source: Ivatsevichi district Executive Committee

Recall that according to the Decision of Ivatsevichy district Executive Committee № 739 from 25.06.2018 Belinvesttorg–Splav LLC was authorized to collect and remove waste production of "ash lead", located on the territory adjacent to the former asphalt plant in the village of Green Bor of Ivatsevichy district. In the course of execution of works, Belinvesttorg–Splav LLC found that taking into account the hygroscopic properties of ash and by mixing the waste with sandy soil and storage in the open area, the actual volume of waste for disposal is different from the planned. In order to ensure the fulfilment of obligations on clearing of a site, the plant received a permit to export and burial of additionally installed amount. To confirm the increase in volume of waste produced by the powder metallurgy Institute and the Belarusian state technological University the work was performed to establish the chemical composition of these waste impurities.

In these circumstances, Belinvesttorg–Splav LLC continues to work on removal of wastes mixed with soil that was stockpiled dishonest entrepreneurs to ABZ "Nehachevo" ivatsevichsky area. After completion of the activities for waste disposal will be carried out works on cleaning (repair) of contaminated land in places of unauthorized placement.

During the events on export of waste "fly ash lead" stored at the Zelenyi Bor PAR "Nehachevo" have been met all security measures during their collection and transportation. Loading of waste is carried out with the use of special sheds made from metal and polycarbonate sewn. Design prevent the spread of waste at the site. The embarkation was carried out with a special truck located under the canopy of the car.

Thus, we are taking all necessary measures to ensure that the waste was taken for disposal, and the land cleaned of pollution.