In Green Bohr, an unauthorized dump

LLC Belinvesttorg-Splav, being a socially responsible business, has repeatedly expressed its readiness to assist in the export and utilization of lead ash (lead coke), stored at the Nephechevo mine, Ivatsevichi district, at its own expense.

Together with the efforts of the authorities at all levels, namely the Brest Regional Executive Committee, the Brest Regional Committee for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Ivatsevichi Regional Inspectorate for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Brest Oblast Prosecutor’s Office and Belinvesttorg-Splav, LLC, a mechanism for eliminating burial places of lead sludge and the place of their safe utilization is determined — the industrial waste landfill in the Gomel region in the Vetka region is the exclusion zone.

According to the Law «On Waste Management», lead ash (sludge) is alienated by the manufacturing company to other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs licensed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection for the right to handle waste of hazard class 1-3. In accordance with the legislation, Belinvesttorg-Splav Ltd. transferred a batch of lead ash (izgari) under a contract for the provision of services for the experimental processing of lead ash (coke) IP Rudskogo Dmitry Petrovich.
At the time of formalizing the contractual relations, he had a relevant valid license issued by the Ministry of Nature and Environment. LLC «Belinvesttorg-Splav» fulfilled all its contractual obligations. Subsequently it became known that the lead ash (sludge) was not processed by Rudskiy DP properly by technology on the equipment, the availability of which he stated upon the receipt of the license. Conducted in accordance with the legislation, all inspections and other measures to give a legal assessment of this incident, did not reveal any violations in the actions of the company Belinvesttorg-Splav.

Also, the company Belinvesttorg-Splav made a proposal to create a working group with the involvement of experts and experts from relevant ministries, departments and law enforcement agencies to develop mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of such incidents in the future.

The plant became a victim of illegal actions by unscrupulous entrepreneurs, but at the same time decided to incur serious financial expenses associated with disposal and, during the period of forced silence connected with the conduct of investigative actions, the company suffered enormous reputation and moral damage.

We are grateful to everyone, first of all to the state authorities, for their help in taking effective decisions.