On March 7, 2024, at a meeting of the Coordination Council of the Electric Transport cluster, a decision was made to include 1AK-GROUP Holding as a member of the cluster.
The modern world is witnessing a new stage of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. The integration of related technologies in the fields of automotive manufacturing, energy, transportation, information technology, and energy storage technologies has reached new speeds. The expanded use of energy storage and storage technologies has become a continuation of scientific and industrial trends in the field of electrification, the development of autonomous networks and the promotion of electric transport.
In the Republic of Belarus in 2017, at the State Scientific Institution «United Institute of Mechanical Engineering» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, a scientific and engineering center «Electromechanical and hybrid power plants of mobile machines» was formed. Subsequently, the State Scientific Institution «United Institute of Mechanical Engineering» became the basic organization of the innovation-industrial cluster " Electrotransport."
At the beginning of 2024, the cluster participants included MAZ OJSC, BELAZ OJSC, MTZ OJSC, Belkommunmash OJSC, Mogilevliftmash OJSC, Izmeritel OJSC, State Scientific Institution «OIM NAS of Belarus», UO «BNTU», «ETON-ELTRANS», LLC «Keiji Impex» [1].
On March 7, 2024, at a meeting of the Coordination Council of the Electric Transport cluster, a decision was made to include 1AK-GROUP Holding as a member of the cluster.
1AK-GROUP holding is a Belarusian manufacturer of rechargeable batteries and a center of scientific and technical knowledge and competencies in the field of energy storage and accumulation. The structure of 1AK-GROUP includes factories for the production of lead-acid batteries for all types of vehicles, and a project for the production of industrial batteries is being implemented. Since 2020, the company has introduced assembly and repair services for Li-Ion batteries for electric scooters, bicycles, laptops, and tools. In 2022, 1AK-GROUP created a department that includes a service center for the repair and assembly of industrial batteries based on Li-ion technology.
In 2024, the company launched its own modern assembly production of industrial and traction Li-Ion batteries.
The company has created a center of scientific and production competencies in the field of Energy Storage Systems, which, at a high scientific and technical level, solves issues of methodological support for the implementation of energy storage systems in industry, housing and communal services, agriculture, as well as issues of innovation in diagnostics and intelligent management of energy storage systems.
List of sources used:
Map of clusters of the Republic of Belarus // Website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. — [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: https://economy. gov. by/ru/karta_klasterov-ru/. — Access date: 05/03/2024