The analysis of statistical data from different countries in the field of innovative development and structure of financial costs of innovative developments indicate that currently, the issues of scientific and technological development are a priority.
An increase in the costs of innovation not only from private companies but also of States. This is due to the fact that the search for leading technologies in the framework of forming the new technological mode: innovation is a key driver of economic growth and the competitiveness of the country.
The McKinsey study "Disruptive technologies: advances that will change our lives, business and the world economy" published a list of 12 disruptive technologies by 2025, will change the face of the world economy [1]. One such technology is the technology of accumulation and storage of energy. Smart energy is a new industry and currently is the formation of new policies in the energy markets in order to implement the model of "potreblenie" of electricity. This model changes the modes of transmission and energy storage that allows the owners of home solar panels and/or electric vehicles become part of the system "potreblenie" — simultaneous production and consumption of energy.
Technology accumulation and storage of energy include:
— battery (energy storage)
— information technology, software solutions — monitoring of storage and optimum energy distribution.
Quite relevant is the issue of technology used for accumulation and conservation of energy: in recent years, significant changes in this area are not observed. At the same time, active development in the field of batteries for electric vehicles cause discussions in the field of leading technology of energy storage.
Analysis of world import of batteries in the context of the technology of energy accumulation, was performed using Trademap database [2] by six-digit HS code (table 1).
The analysis showed that at a time when there is a decline in world trade (in 2016, -3% in the last 5 years -4%), lithium-ion and lead-acid technologies have demonstrated growth. Analysis of the structure of world imports of batteries in 2016 and 2015 showed an increase in the share of Li-ion technology, with a slight decrease of lead-acid technology, the overall structure of the batteries. Thus, 41,39% of the applicable solutions in the field of conservation and energy storage are to use lithium-ion technology, 38,43% traditional lead-acid technologies.
Prerequisites for the development of technology accumulation and storage of energy are advances and changes in related industries, including infrastructure development and market of electric vehicles and renewable energy.
Leaders in the field of renewable energy are the US, Japan and EU countries. In Europe developed a program to increase the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption balance: if in 2000 the share of renewable electricity amounted to 7.5% in 2014 and 15.3%, by 2020 it is planned to increase its share to 20%. For dstijene these goals requires the development of storage technologies and energy storage, especially batteries. The EU estimated annual capacity of used batteries exclusively for household needs, will grow from 360МВт in 2014 to 14 GW in 2023, the annual income will increase from 220 million dollars. USA to $ 18 billion. USA [3].
EU countries plan by 2020 to be a leader in the field of renewable energy sources, the growth of this market also depends on the technology used in the accumulation of anergy (batteries), trends in the distribution of solar panels (PV) for home and industrial use, the development of legislation. The fact that technology exists does not imply its deployment without legislative support, in this context, analysis of trends and issues of accumulation and storage of energy in the EU market relevant for countries that are just beginning to master this technology. Currently, in the EU market there are a number of legislative barriers:
— the EU legislation does not define the concept of "energy storage" as such, which creates serious barriers and uncertainty in the investment climate;
— there is no uniform legislative approach in the member States: the most unfavorable conditions are created in Spain, where a law significantly reduces the consumption of renewable energy; the most favorable conditions are created in Germany and Italy;
— missing rights property to energy (network operator, manufacturer, households, etc.);
— there is double taxation on the production and consumption of energy.
From the point of view of applied technology, market accumulation, and Luggage storage.ia EU energy available to different technological solutions, it storage, including lead-acid, lithium-ion, Nickel-based, sodium-based. They all have the potential for use under different conditions, and the main options are: performance, safety and price (table 2).
Analysis of the mechanism of pricing in the market batteries showed that the typical high prices of output technology on the market and the significant and rapid decline in prices as demand increases. Thus, the higher price of lithium-ion batteries compared to lead acid, is a temporary factor. A significant factor affecting the market batteries, are electricity prices: high electricity prices stimulate the development of technologies for the conservation (accumulation) of energy, and, consequently, the development of the market of batteries.
As prices for the installation of renewable energy systems continue to fall, the integration of solar roof panels and solar farms to the Central grid will require the availability of batteries and other technologies for the storage and smooth transfer of power.
With the changes in technology of energy storage and its use threatens to replace traditional lead-acid technology. Rapid changes in the market battery are not expected, but the development of electric vehicles has had a major impact on the battery market, which led to an adjustment of long-term plans of the leading players in this industry.
Despite turbulent timesdevelopment of technology transfer lithium-ion batteries, traditional lead-acid battery field, has been making slow progress, as replacement, for example, stationary batteries, depends on the replacement of the Park equipment with which they are used. In this regard, the capacity of the segment of lead-acid batteries in the world market will continue. The main risk of a segment of the lead-acid technology is the fluctuation in the prices of lead and its alloys. In this regard, the issues of production of lead batteries, obtained from secondary sources for many of the CIS countries are a priority today.
1. 12 disruptive technologies that will change the world /The RuNet [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access: https://therunet. com/articles/1059-12-proryvnyh-tehnologiy-kotorye-izmenyat-mir. — Access date: 15.03.2017.
2. Trade statistics for international business development / Monthly, quarterly and yearly trade data. Import & export values, volumes, growth rates, market shares, etc. [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access: http://www. trademap. org. — Access date: 15.03.2017.
3. Battery energy storage in the EU. Barriers, opportunities, services and benefits / EUROBAT. Association of European automotive and industrial battery manufacturers . [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access: https://eurobat. org/sites/default/files/eurobat_batteryenergystorage_web_0.pdf. — Access date: 15.03.2017.