Start of construction of a plant for the production of plastic components for batteries, 1AK-PLASTIC LLC

1AK-PLASTIC LLC is a plant for the production of plastic components (monoblocks, covers, handles, pads) for batteries. The construction of the enterprise is carried out in the Brest FEZ, on the territory of the Industrial Park in Pinsk. The investment project for the construction of the 1AK-PLASTIC plant is being implemented within the framework of the “One District - One Project” initiative.

Start of construction of a plant for the production of plastic components for batteries, 1AK-PLASTIC LLC - 1

Figure — Visualization of the administrative building of 1AK-PLASTIC LLC

At the moment:
1. The design organization Agromashdetal LLC has developed design and estimate documentation. On August 16, 2024, a positive conclusion was received from the state examination on the design documentation.
2. By the decision of the Pinsk City Executive Committee dated September 17, 2024, a permit was received for the construction of the facility «Construction of a plant for the production of plastic components for batteries on Kozubovsky Street in Pinsk»
3. The general contractor for the construction project was selected as the Pinsk organization 3S BigBy LLC.

The construction is carried out by the 1AK-GROUP Holding as part of the development of the battery industry of the Republic of Belarus. The structure of the Holding includes plants for the production of starter and industrial batteries, a lead production plant, a research and production center for energy storage systems based on Li-Ion batteries. According to 1AK-GROUP, the localization of lead-acid battery production will be 95%, including through the implementation of the 1AK-PLASTIC project.

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Figure — 1AK-PLASTIC plant is being built in the Industrial Park of Pinsk, FEZ «Brest»

The plant 1AK-PLASTIC LLC will be engaged in the production of plastic components for batteries: monoblocks, covers, handles, pads. It is planned to meet the needs of battery manufacturers up to 3 million sets per year. The implementation of the project is aimed at import substitution, and 87 new jobs will be created.

Start of construction of a plant for the production of plastic components for batteries, 1AK-PLASTIC LLC - 3

Figure — Components for starter batteries: monoblock L2, L3, L5

The main consumers of the manufactured products will be the battery plants of 1AK-GROUP (Zubr Energy LLC, Akkumulyatorny Alliance LLC).

Start of construction of a plant for the production of plastic components for batteries, 1AK-PLASTIC LLC - 4

Figure — Components for starter batteries: case and cover of cargo group D05, D06

The construction of the 1AK-PLASTIC plant contributes to the development of the battery industry in the Republic of Belarus, and also affects the socio-economic development of the region. Roman Golovchenko, when visiting Pinsk on March 1, 2024, noted that «Pinsk is an industrial city with a population of 125 thousand people. Therefore, industry is the key to its development. It should be based on investments, renewal of fixed assets and production of modern, popular and profitable products» [1].

Start of construction of a plant for the production of plastic components for batteries, 1AK-PLASTIC LLC - 5

Figure — Components for industrial batteries (traction and stationery)

1.Belarus Segodnya / Information portal — [Electronic resource] — Access mode — https://www. sb. by/articles/golovchenko-potreboval-uskorit-rabotu-po-sozdaniyu-v-pinske-industrialnogo-parka. html — Access date 09.24.24