Professional community commented on the construction of a battery plant IPower LLC

The implementation of the investment project for the construction of a battery plant IPower LLC became a subject of discussion not only within Belarusian society, but also in the circles of the professional community in the countries of the CIS and Europe. The emergence of new production, as the unknown, causes suspicion and fear. In Europe, however, such enterprises produce products for many years and the development of battery industry in the Republic of Belarus is generating interest from the accumulator of the global community.

Professional edition of Batteries International appealed to the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP with questions about the implementation of the construction of  IPower LLC and supported the plant in their publications.

Attention to this topic has attracted one of the articles in The New York Times that spoke about the protests around the construction of a battery factory in SEZ "Brest".

The journalists of the New York Times asked for comments to Richard fuller (Richard Fuller), an ecologist and President of a nonprofit based in new York-based organization Pure Earth whose mission is "the preservation and improvement of life by reducing pollution": "...many plants for the production of lead-acid batteries safely work in Europe and the United States," said Mr. Fuller. He had not visited the plant in Belarus, but added that, in contrast to the affordable artisanal operations, it seems, has the modern technology and means of protection is sufficient to limit hazardous waste. "I can't imagine that there will be some specific impact," he said.

Group of companies 1AK-GROUP is grateful to the professional community for support and continues to inform the public about the progress of the construction of a battery factory LLC "IPower".

In case of any issuesowls on the activities of the enterprises included in Group of companies, please refer to the open line, which is available on the corporate website https://1ak-group. com/.