The Project of Pupils of the School №1 in Beloozersk «Heavy Metals in Soils» Awarded a first Degree Diploma at the Regional Scientific-Practical Conference

Is it safe fruits and vegetables grown by the road? Contaminated the surrounding area Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC and the other the territory of the Beloozersk heavy metals? The answers to these questions were pupils of the 9th class of secondary school №1 Beloozersk Kirill Chernyavskiy Alexander Kazeka under the guidance of chemistry teacher Lyubov Stepanovna Banasevich. The study was presented at the district scientific-practical conference "First steps in science", where their efforts are highly appreciated: the project "Heavy metals in soils" awarded the diploma of I degree. Now the children and teacher are preparing to speak at the regional conference.

The Project of Pupils of the School №1 in Beloozersk «Heavy Metals in Soils» Awarded a first Degree Diploma at the Regional Scientific-Practical Conference - 1

Photo 1. Researcher works Alexander Kazeka

The objects of research steel soil taken on the school grounds, filling Beloozersk, at roadside D. Manevychi near Berezovskaya GRES, the plant Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC in a country house of the Association "lakeside".

— Unfortunately, people will never satisfied only with the adaptation to nature, — said the head of the project Love Banasevich. — Economic activity it has been shaped by their environment, and now this environment changes the very diseases caused by a qualitative change in the environment, the birth of children with many disabilities and deformities. Therefore, I and the children were interested to study the earth on which you live. And the impetus for the work was the question of the purchase of cottages, which arose in the family of classmate boys Darya Vasilevskaya. Her parents debated whether to use the developed area near the road at the village of Manevychi: would it not be dangerous to the health of products grown there?

So, the guys had to find out how "rich" soil iron, copper, lead. For starters found out from the literature, which are considered heavy metals, and how polluted the environment, how they influence the human body etc. have Studied methods of determination of heavy metals in the soil and started the practical part. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 10 cm, dried, shredded, cleaned from impurities. Prepared acid extracts of the soils and recorded the presence of heavy metal ions. After conducting experiments have established their quantitative content.

The Project of Pupils of the School №1 in Beloozersk «Heavy Metals in Soils» Awarded a first Degree Diploma at the Regional Scientific-Practical Conference - 2

Photo 2. Soil sampling in the area of Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC.

To determine lead ions, young researchers themselves did not, and appealed to the engineer-ecologist of the plant Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC. The specialist said that in July 2018 in the area of the plant was taken 17 soil samples with consideration of the wind rose. The lead content ranged from 2.58 mg/kg to 3.75 mg/kg. Variation exists for various reasons. Some of the samples with a level of 16.3 mg/kg, of 16.11 mg/kg — values in peat-bog soils, which are not only characterized by their ability to increased accumulation of this metal, but stronger hold of him. On the meadow untouched soil lead content makes 20,87 mg/kg. the smallest value of concentration of 1.33 mg/kg in a corn field, where sod-podzolic sandy soil.

In the area of enterprise Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC worked specialists of the Institute of nature management of NAS of Belarus. Their measurements ranged from 2.33 mg/kg to 5.48 mg/kg. And there is a point result 22,55 mg/kg near the fence area. Ecologist explained that the company is on slag waste Berezovskaya GRES, and may therefore in soils may be elevated levels of lead. Sampling in Beloozersk was carried out twice. It was attended by specialist Polesie Institute, four representatives of the initiative group, representative of one of the Moscow laboratory of Bryansk, specialist of analytical control under the Ministry of environment and the representative of the Brest regional Committee of natural resources and environmental protection. There were selected 42 soil samples at site 21. 21 the sample was collected from a depth of 8 cm and depth of 25 cm from the upper Soil horizon was divided into four parts — on the number of laboratories participating in the study. The lower soil horizon was taken only for Russian laboratories. In total 41 sample of soil left in the laboratory of Moscow and Bryansk. And for 22 samples were tested in the Polesie agrarian ecological Institute of the national Academy of Sciences and the laboratory of analytical control under the Ministry of environment.

Using the data of laboratory, Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC, school researchers Kirill Chernyavskiy Alexander Kazeka add a table of content of lead ions on their sites.

The obtained data are educational in nature (approx) and serve as an example to visually confirm that heavy metals are still there in the soil. However, the ecological disaster there, because their content does not exceed even in approximate calculations.

The figures for the lead content ranged from 2.7 mg/kg to 6.1 mg/kg (MPC — 32 mg/ kg), copper, from 7.4 mg/kg to 14 mg/kg (MPC — 33 mg/kg), iron 150 mg/kg to 240 mg/kg (MPC — 1000 mg/kg).

The children came to the conclusion that to grow potatoes and fruit trees near the road unsafe. Heavy metals can enter the human body, so by Darzinam parents who questioned the choice of the cottages, they are encouraged to buy land away from roads.

According to the materials of the study information booklet developed "Heavy metals and man". Moreover, students believe that research should continue by taking as objects wateraemy of Beloozersk and snow. Practical significance of the project lies in the fact that validated methods for the determination of heavy metals content in the soil can be used in chemical and environmental circles, in the studies of schoolchildren. Can also be considered measures to reduce the content of heavy metals in the environment in the vicinity of the school.

Source: Newspaper "Mayak"

Prepared by Nina KRUKOVICH.