Open line is a single information channel in the form of chat and e-mail are available for all enterprises included in 1AK-GROUP. Answers to frequently asked questions are published on the website the "news" section and on the new page.
On the "Open line" received question "odpovednost s zaklyuchennym Zargari expertia of the College ad 9 December 2015. "Budantseva akumuliatoriu plant" Volat" z Altezza Novacaine." At Chym Iago Navy?"
To the permanent page posted the following response.
The project "Battery plant LLC "IPower" with its own boiler to natural gas at the address: Brest R-n, the FEZ "Brest", neighborhood "Airport", 1 starting complex" is really innovative and included in the state program of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020.
The notion of "novelty" is not contained in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On state innovation policy and innovation activities in the Republic of Belarus" dated July 10, 2012 No. 425-Z (hereinafter — the Law), which reglamentary legal and organizational principles of state innovation policy and innovation activities in the Republic of Belarus.
The law defines such notions as "innovation" and "innovation".
An innovation project under the tenth paragraph of the first article of the Law, refers to the complex of works aimed at transforming innovations in innovation.
Innovation is new or improved products, new or improved technology, new service, new organizational and technical solution for industrial, administrative, commercial or other nature.
Under the innovation refers to new knowledge, technical or otherwise, experimental, or a prototype and otherwise, having the features of novelty in comparison with existing analogues for a particular segment of the market, practical applicability, could bring positive economic or other beneficial effect in the creation on its basis of new or improved products new or improved technology, new services, new organizational and technical solutions.
In accordance with the Conclusion of the State expert Council on 9 January 2015 at the business plan investment project the project "Accumulator plant LLC "IPower" with its own boiler to natural gas at the address: Brest R-n, the FEZ "Brest", neighborhood "Airport", 1 starting complex" meets the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus applicable to innovative projects.
An innovation project is new for the Republic of Belarus organizational and technical solution — the creation of a modern closed production cycle in the battery industry.
In addition, we note that the conclusion of the State expert Council establishes that the investment project according to key performance criteria provides for:
creation of hi — tech production;
— creation of new highly productive jobs;
the amount of annual value added per average employee corresponds to the value of this indicator for the relevant economic activity in the EU;
— export-oriented and import-substituting, the project provides for maximum use of domestic raw materials production.
To ensure competitiveness of products, the company is developing cooperation with Belarusian and foreign scientists, participating in the formation of a center of scientific and practical competencies.