25 Jun 2018 exercise commenced the removal and disposal of production waste (ash lead) in the territory adjacent to the former asphalt plant in the village of Green Bor of Ivatsevichy district. Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC authorized to collect and remove waste production (ash lead) according to the Decision No. 739 from 25.06.2018 years of Ivatsevichy district Executive Committee.
Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC is a socially responsible business and, under the mechanism, developed in conjunction with authorities, voluntarily assists in the solution of a question on export of industrial waste, stockpiled dishonest entrepreneurs to ABZ "Nehachevo" ivatsevichsky area.
Following the meeting on 21 June 2018, the Minister of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus and in the framework of the Decision of the Ivatsevichi district Executive Committee of may 18, 2018 No. 579 "On the elimination of sites of unauthorized placement (disposal) of industrial wastes", Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC reports:
• carried out all preparatory work necessary for the safe removal of production waste (ash lead), stored at the Zelenyi Bor, PAR "Nehachevo".
• prepared and sent for approval to the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection Brest regional Committee of natural resources and environmental protection plan the shipment of industrial wastes "ash lead (lead ishari)" 21 June 2018 for outgoing № 1219.
For the organization of work constructed special sheds which are made from metal, covered with polycarbonate. The design is intended to prevent the spread of waste production (ash lead) at the site. With the aim of further displacement, in the built structures provided for the wheels. The loading of scrap will be implemented with the help of a special loader, placed under a canopy car. Work on the export of waste will also be implemented with the involvement of enterprise "Brestavtodor", "DST No. 4 of the city of Brest", Willowsavickogo forestry.
It is important to note that during the period of forced silence associated with the investigation, the company Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC had caused huge reputational damage. Brest regional Executive Committee, Brest regional Committee of natural resources and environmental protection of Ivatsevichy district inspection of natural resources and environmental protection, office of public Prosecutor of the Brest region in cooperation with Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC made the decision in the organization of export of industrial waste.
Thus, we are taking all necessary measures to ensure that the waste was taken for disposal, and the sites cleaned.
The photos are protective canopy was built at the plant "Nehachevo" and the process of loading.