IPower LLC Invites Concerned Citizens to Submit a Statement of Intent to Conduct Public Environmental Expertise

30 Dec 2019 IPower LLC published a notice about carrying out public ecological expert examination of design documentation on object of construction: "Battery plant IPower LLC with its own boiler to natural gas, address: Brest district, of FEZ "Brest", region "Airport". The notice provided information for filing a statement of intent to conduct public environmental expertise, including the proposed address to send such statements by mail, which allows you to definitely record the fact that the expression of a particular initiator, and the phone number for the organization receiving operational responses to emerging public issues.

The public environmental expertise is carried out in order to fulfil the President's instructions given at a press conference 06.09.2019 when visiting Brest in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the city.
Regulations on the procedure for public ecological expertise, approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 29.10.2010 № 1592 is determined that the start of the procedure of carrying out public ecological examination of project documentation declared by the customer. In this case,  IPower LLC as a customer of public ecological expertise, provide equal opportunity for citizens-initiators curl of its intention to conduct in the manner specified in the notice.

Pay attention that the statement of intent to conduct public environmental review can be sent to the postal address of IPower LLC — 224020, Brest region, Brest, st. Pionerskaya d. 52, of. 608. Applications can be submitted up to 15 January 2020.

The subject of a public environmental appraisal is the determination of compliance or non-compliance of the project documentation for the above-mentioned construction project, the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on protection of environment and rational use of natural resources.

On the public environmental examination to the applicants (proponents) and a package of documents similar to that which will be submitted for the state ecological expertise (paragraph 3.9 of the Unified list of administrative procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, approved by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 17.02.2012 No. 156).

Public ecological examination is carried out under support of the customer (JSC "IPower") activities of the claimants (the initiators). So, to answer the questions on the application process and conducting the public ecological expertise of design documentation on object of construction: "Battery  plant  IPower LLC, please  address all the questions on the open line 1AK-GROUP that is available:
— by email at info@1ak-group. com,
in chat 1ak-group. com,
— by phone number +375 44 500 55 20.

In relation to the planned economic activity of IPower LLC  (manufacturing of lead-acid batteries erected on the plant in SEZ "Brest") in the prescribed manner have already been carried out assessing the impact of planned economic activities on the environment, including the procedure for public discussions of the report on the assessment of environmental impact (hereinafter — EIA), during which the public was given the opportunity to initiate public environmental review (minutes of public discussion of the report on the assessment of the environmental impact from 09.01.2017).

In this connection, IPower LLC asked for explanation of the procedure and the possibility of conducting a public ecological examination of the object with the already carried out EIA procedure in the administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus. In the reply to the petition, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (22.10.2019 No. 02/105-971/11747р ) instructed the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus to clarify IPower LLC issues of public environmental expert review of design documentation for construction of a battery plant in Brest region (more attached). After receiving all clarifications and consultations on the question of carrying out of public ecological examination for objects with the already carried out EIA procedure, the Customer of public ecological expertise (IPower LLC) and posted a notification on its conduct.

IPower LLC Invites Concerned Citizens to Submit a Statement of Intent to Conduct Public Environmental Expertise - 1

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