IPower LLC has organized the transfer of project documentation proponents of public ecological expertise (pee) three times, filed an application for it. On the day specified in the notice, on 21 January 2020, the appellants came, but the documents only took one of them, the other two refused. For them was offered an extra day 23 January 2020, but the applicants did not appear. 27 January 2020, was given another opportunity, the appellants came, but refused to take the documents.
January 27, the meeting began at 10.00 and lasted until 17.50. Applicants of Bekalu Dmitry and Vladimir Moroz, checked the contents of documents in printed and electronic versions, the validity of permits, asked questions. From receipt of the documentation the applicants refused, as the act of acceptance and transfer them to make a number of observations. From the designer of these comments said the chief engineer "NPF "Ecology" LLC Gurikov Dmitry:
1. Some of the passport of technical equipment in the section "environmental Protection" are in foreign languages without officially attested translation. This information is presented in the book 4.2. There are also a number of comments that are not granted passports on the gas treatment installation, a passport on stage, etc.
Response: the project documentation shall contain information on production technology and process equipment in the allocation of pollutants (types and brands of process equipment), brief characteristics of the designed manufacturing of powder-gas purification installations and characteristics of the measures used to reduce air pollution (types and brands of powder-gas purification of technological equipment, its effectiveness for specific pollutants for the designed technological processes). It is governed by the requirements of the technical regulations that apply in the development section "environmental Protection".
To attach a passport of a particular manufacturer of the equipment in the section "environmental Protection" (remarks to which he gave the claimants) is not a mandatory requirement.
IPower LLC, in accordance with Regulation (clause 12), offered to provide clarification on all issues that arise for independent experts to conduct OEE, as well as any additional information that is needed. This applies not only passports for the equipment, but also other additional information they could request in the framework of the public ecological expertise.
2. A number of observations of design in nature for pagination.
Response: These comments do not prevent the examination. Availability of necessary information in the project was verified and the applicant confirmed that the issue is related only to the numbering of pages of separate sheets.
3. In the task on adjustment of design documentation indicated that changes are necessary in the EIA report in accordance with related sections. Bekalu Dmitry believes that section shall be subject to adjustment in any case, regardless of what changes were made in the project documentation, and were they ever.
Answer: According to the current legislation (in particular, the Provisions on assessment of environmental impact, the composition requirements of the evaluation report of the impact on the environment, the requirements for experts carrying out assessment of environmental impact) indicate instances in which the revision of the EIA report and public discussions are held:
— it is planned to increase the amount of gross emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air by more than five percent of the originally stipulated in the EIA report;
— it is planned to increase volumes of wastewater more than five percent of the originally stipulated in the EIA report;
— planned provision of additional land;
— it is planned to change the destination of the object.
In the section "environmental Protection", in underthe "Introduction" section made reasoned explanations why not require a modification of the EIA.
4. The amount of stormwater in the EIA 2020 specified 336 l/s, and the number of storm drains in the EIA are 195 l/s.
Here are the numbers of the estimated volume of rainwater which was used to select treatment facilities. The annual volume of stormwater runoff in relation to EIA have not been adjusted.
5. In the General explanatory note ended the period of validity of technical conditions (TU).
Answer: all issued THAT certificate on their performance. Design decisions affecting the issued THAT have not been adjusted.
6. Conclusion No. 304t health services has 2 term, which, in the opinion of Dmitry Akaluka, contradict each other.
Response: this conclusion States the requirements as to the construction of the facility (with a term of up to object input in operation), and to the design of the object (with the normative term of design). Thus there is no contradiction in the conclusion no.
7. On the question of the legality of the help of Chinese manufacturers, as well as the compliance of an act of choice land Akaluka Dmitry was written statements to the interior Ministry.
Answer: IPower LLC works with those documents that he provided, and any changes in them does not make. Accordingly, to give any comments on these issues is not appropriate, it is more logical to wait for the conclusion of the relevant authorities.
Thus, the set of documents in accordance with paragraph 3.9 of the Unified list of administrative procedures were fully presented to the applicants. It is in this part of the documentation served on the see and OEE respectively. Commentstion provided by the applicants on 27 January 2020, does not prevent the carrying out of pee.
If you have any questions on the construction project "Battery plant IPower LLC", please contact the open line of Group of companies 1AK-GROUP that is available:
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— by phone number +375 44 500 55 20
Note: the regulations on the procedure for public ecological expertise, approved by decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 29 October 2010 No. 1592