9 April 2020, received a positive opinion №570/2020 of the state ecological expertise on the construction project "Accumulator plant LLC "IPower" with its own boiler to natural gas, address: Brest district, of FEZ "Brest", region "Airport". Adjustment (hereinafter the Project). The conclusion approved by the Order of the State educational institution "Republican centre of the state ecological examination and improvement of professional skill of executives and specialists" Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 570-e from "08" April 2020.
To execute orders of the President of the Republic of Belarus LLC "IPower" were informed about the procedure of the public ecological expertise, but due to the refusal of the applicants from receiving Project documentation to and in connection withthe actual conduct not the initiator of the public environmental review, LLC "IPower" gave 24.02.2020 Project documentation to the Centre for environmental expertise for passing of the State ecological expertise.
When conducting the state environmental expertise has been established, plan design and other decisions contained in the construction Project, requirements of the legislation on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.
The next stage, in the manner prescribed by law, the LLC "IPower" should be conducted in individual testing and comprehensive testing of installed equipment, testing of systems of water supply, Sewerage, heating and ventilation and other systems.
As a reminder, the construction Project are the positive conclusion of state ecological expertise from 18.01.2019 No. 270/2019 and positive conclusion of state ecological expertise from 26.05.2017 No. 759/2017 (in terms of design decisions not affected by submitted the "amendment No. 1").