Plunge into business with 1AK-GROUP!

On September 30, representatives of the 1AK-GROUP addressed students of the Belarusian State University of Economics as part of the implementation of the practice-oriented educational project "Plunge into Business!"

The meeting was organized for students of the Faculty of International Economic Relations. The business training was held on the topic — «1AK-GROUP in the industrial sector of the Republic of Belarus». The speakers of the meeting were Vladimir Rakevich, corporate trainer of the «Pervaya Akkumulyatornaya Kompaniya» retail chain, together with Natalia Khaustovich, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Management of the Higher School of Economics.

The purpose of the event was to familiarize students with the company’s activities, the specifics of organizing a competitive business for the production and distribution of batteries, as well as the conditions for successful career growth in a Group of companies.

Recall that 1AK-GROUP actively cooperates with Belarusian universities for educational purposes, and also considers it an important source of team development to attract young specialists. The enterprises of the Group of Companies are an excellent place for internships and the first workplace for young professionals. Every year dozens of students of economic and technical specialties undergo internship at 1AK-GROUP, for many our company becomes the first workplace.

1AK-GROUP enterprises are an excellent career start for literate, active and responsible young people!

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