From 21 to 24 March in Minsk in National exhibition centre "BelExpo" was held XX anniversary international specialized exhibition "building Expo-2017". The main goal is the search for effective solutions for the development of the construction industry.
During the 4-day forum held a business matchmaking session involving Belarusian and foreign companies, was held "round tables", conferences, seminars, presentations, master classes. As part of the "building Expo-2017" held a fair of innovative projects in the field of construction and production of construction materials and products. In the field of alternative energy from the Brest region was the only participant - LLC "Agromaster" (Pinsk). The company introduced a set heliobiological their own equipment.
It uses sunlight to create heat energy. As the alternative energy source can be used in apartment houses, kindergartens, schools, cottages and industrial facilities. System based on solar collectors interested representatives of utilities and of the Ministry of architecture and construction.