During a recent meeting of the Chairman of the oblast Executive Committee Anatoly Lis students and faculty of the Brest state technical University, the question was raised about the construction of a battery factory ", IPower" on the territory of FEZ "Brest". This topic has recently gained importance in connection with the concerns of local residents about the possible environmental degradation in the area. Nevertheless, the Governor dispelled the suspense.
Source: regional newspaper "Zarya"
He spoke in detail about the stages that passed the project: the conclusion of the investment contract in August 2009 and its registration in the State register of investment agreements, the inclusion of the project in the State program of innovative development of Belarus for 2016 — 2020, the organization of public discussions of the report on the assessment of environmental impact (EIA). When conducting the state environmental expertise provided solutions meet all the requirements of the legislation in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. "When the plant normally adverse effects on the population living near a battery factory, will be there — reassured those present the Governor. — Now, before commissioning of the enterprise, in the framework of gossannadzor on the border of sanitary-protective zone and in nearby settlements conducts laboratory studies of atmospheric samples, soil, water, food. Identified the multiplicity of research once a quarter. Currently, the results obtained testify to the established hygienic standards. We need high-tech enterprises, but, of course, they must meet all the necessary standards."
With regard to the installation of pollution control equipment at the plant for comments, we turned to the chief engineer of LLC "IPower" Sergei Dubnovitsky. He explained that this equipment (to clean the air of lead dust) has already been purchased. It is brand new for the 2018 model year, made by the Russian company "ekofil'tr" (all the necessary infothe deformations available on the website of the manufacturer www. efilter. EN). It should be noted that the equipment meets the requirements for the degree of purification of the gas mixture to a level of 99.9%, which will be confirmed in the process of commissioning appropriate accredited laboratories and framed certificate of the equipment and testing Protocol. "Filter СРФ10КР provides a two-step purification: the first stage baghouse clean gas-air mixture coming from the production lines to the level of 99.9%, and the second — purified air is supplied to catridge filters where there is additional air cleaning, — explains in detail the technological process Sergey Dubnovitsky. As the filter element of the proposed filter material with microporous PTFE coating. These coatings cause surface oriented filtering; the dust does not penetrate into the depth of the filtering material, and demonstrate additional positive results. This polymer anti-adhesion (no absorbency) by their chemical nature, so dust is easily removed from the surface of the filter. Compared with ordinary filter material, the pressure drop in the filter with PTFE coating is much lower. In addition, the coating is resistant to temperature and chemical attack".
Sergey Dubnovitsky emphasized that gas-cleaning unit is equipped with differential pressure sensors that signal the damage of the filter element and the degree of contamination. It is also interlocked with the technological equipment, i.e. the equipment cannot be enabled without enabling gas cleaning plant. And exhaust fans equipped with variable frequency drive, which allows you to maintain a constant air flow.
Author: Nicholas Yarmoshuk