Research in the Area of Influence of the Plant Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC

In the framework of social-hygienic monitoring of sanitary-epidemiological service of the Berezovsky district continues sampling and laboratory studies of contaminants in ambient air (lead, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide) and chemical substances in the soil (total lead content and the concentration of mobile forms of lead) on the border of the sanitary protection zone of Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC, and also on the border (territory) of nearby settlements.

On the border of sanitary-protective zone on the border (territory) of nearby settlements from the processing plant lead-acid batteries , Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC in 2019 selected and studied 378 samples of atmospheric air. According to the results of laboratory tests exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants, including lead, in the ambient air is not established.

Research in the Area of Influence of the Plant Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC - 1

In addition, in the framework of the program of social-hygienic monitoring in 2019 the selection and study of 44 soil samples and 44 water samples from centralized water supply sources nearby settlements, in the zone of influence of the plant for processing lead-acid batteries Belinvesttorg-Splav LLC lead.

According to the results of laboratory tests exceeding the hygienic standards for lead content in the samples of soil and water are not installed.

Source: the Byaroza district Executive Committee