In the framework notice published 30.12.2019 IPower LLC "On carrying out public ecological expertise" (hereinafter Notice), pursuant to paragraph 2 clause 2 and clause 6 of the Regulations on the procedure for conducting public ecological expertise, approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers No. 1592 of 29.10.2010 (the regulations) to the Customer ( IPower LLC ) received statements from the proponents for conducting of public environmental expertise of Project documentation.
In connection with the receipt to the Customer more than two statements about the initiation of public environmental expertise, in accordance with clause 7 of the regulation is to inform the General public and applicants about the date, time and conditions of submission of documentation.
Date of submission of documentation: 21.01.2020
Time of submission of documentation: from 11.00 to 16.00 (time to applicants individually specified in the individual notifications)
Place of submission of documentation: office of Power LLC, Brest, Pionerskaya str., 52, office 608
Conditions of submission of documentation:
1. In accordance with clause 8 of the Provision by the Customer of public ecological examination is provided to the initiators of the documents, similar to that necessary for conducting of the state ecological expertise of design documentation (paragraph 3.9 of the Unified list of administrative procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, approved by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from 17.02.2012 No. 156);
2. For the purposes of the public environmental review the applicants (proponents) will be provided with the design solutions for the building complex as a whole: design decisions, agreed conclusions of the state construction and the state environmental review in 2018-2019, the results of which carried out the process of acceptance of object of construction into operation, and also changes and additions to the project documentation did not pass the state ecological expertise developed in 2019 in connection with the achievement of individual project indicators. These amendments were developed with consideration of comments on state environmental review, which stated in its conclusion No. 2757/2019 from 16.07.2019;
3. In accordance with clause 8 of the Provisions of the transfer of Design documentation by the customer to the initiators made an act of acceptance and transfer in the prescribed form;
4. In order to fulfill the requirements set forth in clause 10 of the Regulations, along with signing the act of acceptance-transfer of the initiators of signing the agreement or obligation not to disclose information obtained in the result of the study is presented for public ecological examination of Project documentation, the distribution of which is restricted or prohibited in accordance with copyright law;
5. By results of carrying out of public ecological examination of Project documentation, communicated on paper shall be returned to the customer in full. Initiator obliged to ensure the safety of Project documentation and is responsible, under the legislation (clause 10 of the Regulations);
6. Transfer of project documentation shall be personal to the applicant;
7. Access to the place of transfer of the Project documentation will be granted only to initiators at the presentation of the identity document of the applicant.
If you have any questions please contact the open line of the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP that is available:
— by email at info@1ak-group. com, in chat 1ak-group. com,
— by phone number +375 44 500 55 20.