Information on confirmation of project performance indicators IPower LLC

IPower LLC reports that as of 16.06.2019 the enterprise has missing information that was the basis for the orders of the leadership of the Brest region to suspend construction, IPower LLC. To obtain this information IPower LLC sent a letter with a request to send information.

On 16.06.2019 year received a positive opinion from the following bodies: state "Brest zone centre of hygiene and epidemiology", Brest regional Department of emergency situations of Belarus, the state energy supervision Committee of the Brest region, Brest regional management Gospromnadzor, the OHS Management of GAI of the Brest regional Executive Committee.

During the comprehensive testing commissioning works and measures on confirmation of project emissions, monitoring, and instrumental assessment of emissions was carried out by the specialized organization accredited by the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus "Republican centre of analytical control in the field of environmental protection" (hereafter RCAC):
1) Brest regional laboratory of analytical control
2) the Central laboratory of the analytical control of emissions into the air (Minsk)

Directly measure aimed at confirmation of project emissions the actual emission levels for the positive conclusion of Ministry of natural resources RB for acceptance of the object of construction into operation, was conducted at the above laboratories in the period from 19.04.2019 for 12.06.2019.

Simplified table of emissions by key interested public sources (lead and sulfuric acid)

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To verify the configuration of gas treatment equipment in different modes of technological process, to ensure its stable and smooth running in project mode, and on the recommendation of the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection, IPower LLC has likewise invited GU "RCAC" on the basis of their own applications.

Data on confirmation of project emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air , IPower LLC (source 22, first, at the request of the center of expertise for the purpose of making the plant) with the numbers of protocols, date and type of measurements presented in the summary table below.
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Along with the research conducted on the confirmation of project emissions was conducted by the state analytical control on the applications of the Brest regional Committee of natural resources in the framework of which for the period from 19.04.2019 for 23.05.2019 were installed a few exceedances of emissions, carbon monoxide, lead and its inorganic compounds as well as sulfuric acid, 8 sources of emissions.

These exceedances were installed during the commissioning of the gas cleaning and process equipment (so-called "fine tuning") to ensure its stable operation and clean air at the design nominal modes.

In accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the procedure for calculating the size of compensation of harm caused to the environment, and making the act establishing the fact of harm to the environment, approved by the decree of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 17.07.2008 No. 1042 of the Brest regional Committee of natural resources and environmental protection was drawn up for establishing the fact of harm to the environment from 13.06.2019.

Brest regional Committee of natural resources and environmental protection, in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation, calculated the damage caused to the environment in this caseyy made 183,77 rubles (according to the calculation of the size of compensation of harm caused to the environment from 13.06.2019 to the act of the Brest regional Committee of natural resources and environmental protection from 13.06.2019 establishing the fact of harm to the environment).

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As 12.06.2019 sources in respect of which the act was drafted, with the exception of one, adjusted.

Thus, the entire stationary source 38, including 30 standard, of them defined by the center of expertise for the purpose of making the plant — 22 source. Not yet confirmed design parameters of the emission limit values in the ratio is only 1 source (area of pastoralisme, the source release No. 20, go as-1).

In the framework of analytical control at the request of the Brest regional Committee of natural resources and environmental protection 03.06.2019 employees of the Brest regional analytical laboratory, RCAC was carried out sampling of land (including soil) in the area of battery factory IPower LLC.

There were selected 15 samples of land (9 — a background, 6 — control). The study was conducted in the content of lead, sulfate ions, and hydrogen ion exponent (Ph).

According to the measurement protocols No. 24-Z dated 12.06.2019 and 25-n of 12.06.2019 exceedances for the above substances and indicator are not installed.

IPower LLC has no right to reproduce and distribute copies of these protocols without proper authorization laboratOria, who conducted the study, what there is a mark in the protocols themselves

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IPower LLC continues to inform the General public about the results of the construction and passage of examinations through the media, on the website 1ak-group. com, and through work with state-public group environmental control, approved by order of the Brest regional Executive Committee of April 4, 2019.