The truth of unconditional importance of preserving the environment in a clean condition hardly contestable. And for our countries most affected by the Chernobyl accident, the environmental issues are the priority of national importance on one of the first places. On their successful solution depends on the health of the nation, its security and even its very existence. A conscious understanding of the importance of requirements to ecological safety of industrial and agricultural production, without which it can not do the economy and the livelihoods of the country is determined, first and foremost, the civil position of the companies and professionals involved in the field of environmental protection.
The company "Belinvesttorg-Alloy", located near the city of Beloozersk, such a specialist is the engineer for the protection of the environment, ecologist Irina Morgunova. It is responsible for ecological safety of production of lead alloys produced by the company.
The fact that lead is toxic and, therefore, dangerous for the body, it is known to all, and therefore the measures taken at the plant to minimise environmental pollution and ensure safe working conditions, unprecedented. The enterprise continuously acting automatic system of monitoring of atmospheric emissions, which allows to analyze their chemical composition and in real time to make adjustments in the production process.
"Emissions of lead or its compounds, — says Irina, — we have. Powerful filters fully detain this chemical element, and he comes back in production.
Within the allowable standards of lead dust directly in production, of course, is present, so that all employees use effective personal protective equipment. Effective measure to significantly reduce the concentration of lead dust are recurrent, several times per shift, dry cleaning production areas. For this purpose powerful industrial vacuum cleaner. And again, the collected dust is sent into production, so to talk about any waste of lead just doesn't make sense".
In General, any of the products production activities are divided into two types — harmful substances and contaminants. It is clear that the main source of danger for human health are harmful substances. Referring specifically to the production of the company "Belinvesttorg-Alloy", we asked Irina Mikhailovna to elaborate on measures to protect workers from negative impacts.
"To harmful substances that are by-products of the production activities of our company include lead dust. As in any metallurgical production, its presence is inevitable. Of course, that there is such a thing as maximum permissible limits. They determine the possible number of content lead dust in manufacturing plants. As a rule, exceed the established norms, we do not assume, however, sometimes when performing certain operations, the concentration of lead dust increases.
At this time we're having PErerev in the work and send staff working in the Lounges, insulating them from the negative impact of this heavy chemical element. Then made an extraordinary dry cleaning production halls, which has already been mentioned earlier. Monitoring the presence of lead dust in the air of working zone is carried out continuously, and it in the enterprise is treated with increased attention.
An important element of labour protection on production is the mandatory use of personal protective equipment — protective clothing and respirators. Their application allows to significantly reduce the impact of harmful substances on the human body. Work schedule of the workers slip and does not exceed seven hours. Consider the intervals for cleaning of the working area when the working staff is out of the production hall".
Like any industrial plant, the production process involves some waste. "Belinvesttorg-Alloy" such waste is ash. In the design of the enterprise was assumed that the lead content of waste is about five percent. However, well-established production technology allowed to reduce the content of heavy metals in the ashes of one percent. At such content of heavy metal it makes no sense to talk about concentration, we can speak only about its tracks in the resulting waste.
"We're doing a release of lead, — says Irina, — it is in our interest to reduce his loss to minimum. Realized metal — our monetary income. And this, in turn, our paychecks and our opportunities for further development. Therefore, the issues of economy and improvement of production we have closely intertwined. The ash itself after the appropriate processing belongs to the third class of danger does not require special disposal and use specialized companies for the production of pavement. This implies that our production is virtually waste-free".
In functions of Irina Mikhailovna includes not only environmental issues but also safety. This year she has composed more than thirty regulations for violations of the occupational health and safety.
"Orders, — says Irina, — do not aim to punish the guilty. When discussing them at production meetings we are talking about prevention and avoidance of such violations, and those discussions are, to some extent, are even educational. At these meetings, using a video projector, we demonstrate slides, which depicted violations. Heads of departments, where there has been a violation of instructions on labor protection, report on the causes of the violations and remedial measures. Do never is painful to take criticism. Should only Express sincere gratitude. For me, these comments are a guide to action, to improve working methods, the elimination of existing shortcomings".
There are people who come to the company just to work for specific, satisfied with their reward, and after a work shift, they can easily switch to their problems. It is quite normal for professionals who conscientiously perform their duties. And no one has the right to make any claim. But there are those who are worried about their job. If necessary, they will always leave your personal and work is both the means and a way of existence. It is to such people refers Irina Morgunova. When she told me about her work, in her eyes it was easy to see some inexplicable, extraordinary excitement, the desire to clearly explain the matter, to tell as much as possible about the company, about the importance of its activities for the country.
She is by training a biologist-a chemist. Graduated from Gomel state University. Worked for some time in school, but for family reasons was forced to move to an engineering position in Pinsk factory of nonwoven materials "Pinema". Over twenty years of work the company has gained serious industrial experience, has long led testing laboratory.
Since 2011, Irina, at the invitation of the Director of "Belinvesttorg-Alloy", holds the position of ecologist, combining it with the work on labor protection. And environmentalist she is, as they say, from God."
Although the life of Irina Mikhailovna developed so that school was not her destiny, but the knowledge of pedagogy was useful to her throughout the whole production activities.
"Any production, — says Irina, — in itself dangerous. And it is very important to educate people, to give them the necessary knowledge, skills, instill practical skills, the proper application of which will protect them from occupational diseases and injuries. And, of course, you should always remember about the environment. From liability for its contents clean on the future of the future generations".
Nina Petrova
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