Belarusian State Technological University was as a Platform for the Implementation of the Project «Ecology of Technologies»

On the basis of EE "Belarusian state technological University" presentation practical scientific project "Ekologichnogo", which aims to stimulate interaction between business and the scientific community, the development and further implementation of new technological solutions for rechargeable and engineering industry. The project was created with the support of JSC "Minsk tractor plant", JSC "AMKADOR" - managing company of the holding. The initiator of the project is the Group of companies 1AK-GROUP.

Student paper contest will start March 25 and continue until December 2019. During this time there will be master classes from experts in specified industries, round tables, the participants, together with academic leaders and experts, will develop new technological solutions in the specified directions. "Ekologichnogo" — contest of student works in the battery industry and machine building. The main objective of the project is nurturing a young generation of new professionals, implementation of scientific developments and application of students ' knowledge in solving practical problems. The idea of the project due to the urgency for the global economy of energy, modern renewable, transport, waste management

The rector of the University, Professor, doctor of technical Sciences Voitov Igor Vitalyevich expressed confidence in the success of the competition and further development of cooperation with industrial enterprises of Belarus: "In recent years, our University pays great attention to application of scientific knowledge in sectors of the economy. Annually the University trains qualified professionals, scientists and specialists for our industry and the economy. Various competitions, including ecological and technical, which had been initiated by a Group of companies 1AK-GROUP, is interesting for us. Issues of ecology and safety of living of population, new technology implementation, is the development of our scientists, which can be realized thanks to the cooperation with industrial enterprises of our country. By the end of the year we will have very good results and demonstrate interesting and economically beneficial projects."

Dormeshkin Oleg Borisovich, Vice-rector on scientific work, professor of the Department "Technology of inorganic substances and General chemical technology" of the University expressed interest in the project and willingness to implement the plan: "we Hope for fruitful cooperation. The project is in a sense unique, since the initiator is not an educational structure, and the business. Also important is the choice of the site for the competition. The University meets the modern requirements of education, has a good scientific and technical basis for the decision of tasks in view".

Project partners are the large industrial enterprises of Belarus: OJSC "Minsk tractor plant", OAO AMKADOR" — managing company of the holding. Representatives of the companies already have experience in the implementation of joint projects with the University and Express an interest in the development of new technological solutions for integration in production processes.

The project was supported by the State Committee on science and technology. The presentation was attended by the head of Department of innovation policy of the SCST, Malczewski Eugene Sergeevich. "The most important task of innovation policy is the involvement of youth in innovative activity, to engage in research, development and innovative entrepreneurship. As for the orientation of the competition is the most urgent task, especially waste treatment, the development of electric transport, energy efficiency, energy consumption, all these aspects are key in the development of our technical innovation. Maybe the project will be the beginning of a long journey of cooperation of Universities, public and private companies, will grow into a large infrastructure project", — said Evgeny.

The main scientific center of the country — the national Academy of Sciences of Belarus theorder the who has supported the project. Belevich, Aleksandr Vladimirovich, head of SIC "Electromechanical and hybrid power-plant mobile machines" SSI "joint Institute of mechanical engineering of NAS of Belarus noted that "today the electric vehicle industry just getting back on track in the Republic of Belarus and a shortage of personnel, so we are ready to support to accompany the team on all stages of the competition, to assist in the preparation of the projects ready to take to work for the development of electric vehicle".

Novikov Vladimir Prokof'evich, head of the laboratory of physico-chemical technology, candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences "SPC NAS of Belarus for materials science" will be one of the experts that will give master classes during the competition. "Thanks to such initiatives, we educate the new generation and focus on contemporary issues, and the predetermined direction is one of the key for the global economy", — says the scientist.

Director of "IPower", company within Group of companies 1AK-GROUP, Melnykovych Sergei Ignatievich thanked the management team of the University for the willingness to cooperate: "the Development of modern technology dictates the rules for business. We are the largest company in the country in the battery industry and believe that it is necessary to develop this direction, to expand and improve. For the realization of these tasks required the support of science. On this basis, we initiated the creation of such a project."

Information about the contest is posted on the website "news" #EcoTech.

The photo report with the presentation of the project:

Belarusian State Technological University was as a Platform for the Implementation of the Project «Ecology of Technologies» - 1

Belarusian State Technological University was as a Platform for the Implementation of the Project «Ecology of Technologies» - 2

Belarusian State Technological University was as a Platform for the Implementation of the Project «Ecology of Technologies» - 3

Belarusian State Technological University was as a Platform for the Implementation of the Project «Ecology of Technologies» - 4

Belarusian State Technological University was as a Platform for the Implementation of the Project «Ecology of Technologies» - 5

Belarusian State Technological University was as a Platform for the Implementation of the Project «Ecology of Technologies» - 6

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