Battery. Everything new is forgotten old?


Modern car it is impossible to imagine without the battery. We actively use this energy daily, not even thinking about the fact that the history of its existence dates back nearly two hundred years!

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The principle of operation of the battery since ancient times has not changed. Lead dioxide and lead in acid solution give an electrochemical reaction that generates current. But, the simplest battery that was used from 1881 and looks like a modern car battery is still far behind the fellows present.

The fact that cars became more technically, the amount of equipment on them increased, and capacity requirements of the current increased. For example, on older cars there was not electronic control units or sensors, then as a modern car uses more than 80 electronic units and up to 150 different sensors, which naturally involves large load on the alternator and the battery.

To meet the increased demand appeared advanced production technology, a new generation of battery such as AGM, EFB, Ca-Ca, hybrid etc.

To determine what is actually necessary for your car, what technology is best to choose a battery, you should listen to the experts.

An expert in the battery field in Belarus, is the First battery company — wholesale and retail trade 1AK-GROUP.

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The distribution of the largest specialized network in the country, which has 53 shopping facility in all areas of the country. Accumulated over 20 years of significant experience with batteries, including in the service and warranty allows you to make the company the experts in this field.

The company's specialists list the main modern batteries and distinguish the main specific features of their application:

• Measurementtype battery — standard battery, without additional additives in the composition of the plates. In the composition of the plates is less than 5% of antimony. Their advantages are: tolerance to changes in the on-Board network than especially informed sinned, domestic producers of cars.

Calcium batteries. Alloy in their negative and positive plates added calcium. Have a lot of positive qualities from the high starting currents to a minimum value of electrolysis. But, there are some small flaws. For example, they are very "afraid" of deep discharges.

Hybrid batteries. With two kinds of plates: positive — measurementtype, and the negative — lead calcium. Their advantages: cost, and the ability to quickly recover from deep discharges. Cons: servicing the battery (boiling over) and relatively low starting current. In winter there is a danger not to be got.

AGM and EFB batteries. The electrolyte in them is in the bound state. Recommended for machines that work with the system "Start/Stop". Can withstand repeated cycles of discharging-charging, and combine the properties of conventional batteries, instantly giving a large current at start-up, traction and who is not afraid of long-term discharge.

To date, the most popular are the batteries made according to the calcium technology.

In trading network "First battery company" offers a wide selection of batteries for all types of transport, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, boats, children's clothing and special equipment.

In stock all battery types and types in the price range:

ECONOMY to budget cars with a minimum number of sources of energy consumption (Eurostart Blue, Atlant). Price: 77-100 rubles per battery capacity of 55 Ah.

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"MIDDLE CLASS", for cars with standard (Zubr Ultra, Volat, ZAP Plus). The cost: from 130 to 150 rubles per battery capacity of 55 Ah.

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• The PREMIUM for vehicles of the new generation, with a lot of electronics on Board, including otnoshenij Systemoi START-STOP (Varta Silver Dynamic, Topla TOP, etc.). Prices for batteries of this class with a 55 Ah capacity range from 170 rubles.above.

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Environmental initiative the "First battery company" has created a network of collection of waste batteries across the country. To pass end-of-life battery is available across all major cities and regional centers of the country, as well as the purchase of the battery via the online store 1AK. BY. In our stores you can take advantage of the old battery, in particular, to offset when buying new, receiving additional savings for the family budget. The amount received for the old battery can be quite impressive: up to 79 rubles on hand.

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Those who are not accustomed to pay for their purchases, can take advantage of interest-free installments for 4 months to obtain any of the goods in PAK, "Paste" and "Map shopping".

In the stores, "First battery company" is staffed by professional and competent staff with a wealth of practical experience and technical education, who will advise the choice of battery test for free old at the time and, if necessary, will install a new battery on your car.

The company offers free delivery to all city in Belarusand when ordering through the online store 1AK. BY.

This spring to buy the batteries from Varta and Thomas in network, "First battery company" has become even more profitable. In the period from 1 March to 1 may, they can be purchased with additional 10% discount and to receive a gift of washer fluid for your car.

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Discount to all buyers who purchase on Saturday and Sunday. The washer is given as a gift with every purchase batteries Varta and Thomas in the First battery company.

A separate proposal is prepared for those who are accustomed to take your money. In the promotional period from 5 March to 1 may, they can buy Eurostart battery Blue at special price — 77 rubles.

Details of the event at 1ak. by and by phones to one line.

+375 (33) 35 55 900, +375 (29) 34 55 900

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