6 June in Brest held a briefing on the construction of the battery plant LLC "IPower"

Another meeting with journalists and members of the public took place on the territory of FEZ "Brest". The event organized by Brest regional Executive Committee, was conducted with the aim of informing the population about the safety of the plant.

From January to may 2018 for the construction of the battery plant LLC "IPower" in Brest received 12 formal complaints "initiative group" in the state administration bodies and other competent organizations. Appeals were sent to the following structures:
1. The Department for supervision over the safe conduction of works in industry of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus.
2. The Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus.
3. Republican center of hygiene, epidemiology and public health of the Republic of Belarus.
4. The Brest regional Executive Committee.
5. The state security Committee of the Republic of Belarus.
6. The state control Committee of the Republic of Belarus.
7. Brest zone centre of hygiene and epidemiology.

In addition, the consideration of these appeals were involved, the following interested bodies of state administration (including subordinate organizations): administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry for emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of health of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of transport and communications of the Republic of Belarus, State Committee on standardization of Republic of Belarus, Brest regional Executive Committee.

All the above agencies have provided the answers to the following questions:
 About recognition invalid of the public discussion of the report on the assessment of environmental impact (hereinafter — EIA) for the project and repeated public discussions of this report.
 On the audit of the state ecological expertise on project documentation for the project, the decision to end deaction conclusion of state ecological expertise № 759/2017 from 26.05.2017 and the conduct of the said examination again.
 On the assessment of the revealed facts of legal sufficiency, insufficiency and unreliability of information in the EIA report, which is provided by the customer for carrying out of public discussions.
 On the assessment of the permissibility of the implementation of the "IPower" activities related to the production, processing and storage of hazardous material of lead on the territory of the free economic zone shall be prohibited by Law of the Republic of Belarus "On free economic zones".
 To establish an independent state Commission on the audit of LLC "IPower" for the presence of violations of the current legislation in the field of environmental protection, industrial safety, waste disposal.
 About the need for testing and evaluation under consideration of the plant from the point of view of fire and inflammation with the calculation of the risks of beyond design basis emergency situations, technological accidents and the possibility of placing the object on the bodies of the Gospromnadzor.
 About the potential dangers of the Object in terms of the impact on the environment and human health.
 On the establishment of the SPZ for the Object.
 On violations of the customer at the stages of design and construction and the certificate in construction site.
 On the conduct of the procurement procedure.
 On compliance with the requirements of the Air code of the Republic of Belarus.
 On education at the Facility of waste containing lead, and further treatment.
 About the lack of innovation.
 About the structure of the plant laboratory.
 On the issuance of technical conditions for mold designcreation to another object.

In the course of numerous inspections and approvals from state authorities confirmed that the adopted project solutions meet all the requirements of regulatory legal acts and technical normative legal acts in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

In turn, the battery plant for a specified period participated or initiated the following activities:
 Press conference of the FEZ Brest.
 Meeting of the Brest regional Executive Committee with representatives of local residents in Thelma according to the results of treatment of citizens.
 Initiated the creation of an asset, to participate in the monitoring of ecological safety of the construction and operation of OOO "IPower".
 Engaged independent experts and the media to publish responses on the General content of the issues raised at the meeting on the treatment of citizens.
 Round tables were organized with experts.
 Generated site www. ipower. by and www.1ak-group. com to provide reliable information on the activities of the plant, and activities related to plant issues.
 Prepared numerous articles about the environmental safety of processing.
 Organized distribution of reference materials on mass media to inform about the stages of construction of the plant LLC "IPower".

Finally, in order to maintain an open dialogue with the public and answer all the questions, 1АК-GROUP 15 may 2018 launched the open line on the corporate website www.1ak-group. com.