1AK-GROUP is a diversified holding. The strategic direction of activities of enterprises of 1AK-GROUP is the manufacture and distribution of batteries.
The structure of the company includes business units, whose production sites are used for the testing and implementation of innovative projects that are not directly related to the battery business, as well as BelPAM Transportation Unitary Enterprise.
Zubr Energy LLC is a plant producing starter batteries supplied to the world and domestic automakers, including Volkswagen, MTZ.
Akkumulyatornyy Alliance LLC
The newest factory for the production of a full range of maintenance-free starter lead-acid batteries for cars, trucks, buses, and automotive equipment
Pervaya Akkumulyatornaya Kompaniya® (First Battery Company) (Belinvesttorg Limited Liability Company) is the wholesale and retail trade network of 1AK-GROUP and the first exporter of batteries in the Republic of Belarus.
Belinvesttorg-Splav Limited Liability Company is the first and the only factory in the Republic of Belarus that produces high-grade lead from battery waste.
The innovative technologies used in the production process allow for the processing and safe use of waste as secondary raw materials.
Research and production center for energy storage systems based on Li-Ion batteries.
Modern production and scientific and technical development center (R&D).