When perfoming its operational activities, 1AK-ZUBR has adopted to the established environmental management requirements, according to the international environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015 and is certified to this norm by international organization Bureau Veritas.
Zubr Energy, LLC is is delivering lead-acid started batteries to both AM and OE customers, which in a turn, requires a compliance of the certain quality and environmental international standards. 1AK-ZUBR has established the environmental cjrporate responsibility implementing the best international practices like:
- Environmental risk management;
- Sulfates content reduction in a wastewater using methods and reagents by AquaTechnik;
- Environmental training for the personnel on separate waste collection;
- Voluntarily compliance to the requirements of the EU Directive 2006/66 / EC.
These actions above are aiming to reduce the plant environmental impact and approved by Association of European Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturers (Eurobat). Those initiatives are fully voluntary, because all other basic solutions stipulated to the local norms legally established for air, water, soil and other components of working conditions and environment (proved by State Expertise Conclision Nr. 41 dated 04.06.2014, issued by the State Environmental Project Expertise Department of Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection).
Sanitary protection zone and environmental impact monitoring
According to the statments of the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 35 dated by 15-05-2014 «Requirements for the organization of sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects that are objects of impact on human health and the environment», wich was valid at the time of Environmental Impact Report preparation, the base of the Sanitary Protection Zone (gereafter-SPZ) for lead-acid batteries manufacturing sites is 500 m (chapter 4, p. 188 «Lead-acid batteries manufacturing»).
Zubr Energy LLC has established the local environmental impact monitoring by means of manufacturing environmental observations and manufacturing sanitary control. There are periodical tests perfomed within defined periods:
— Lead and its compounds, sulfuric acid content in the air at the border of SPZ and the border of closest residential districts beyond the SPZ;
— Lead content in the soil at the border of SPZ and at the border of closest residential districts beyond the SPZ.
Tests above are perfomed on a quartely basis In order to assure the continuous monitoring of the environmental impact of the plant on atmospheric air and soil.
Zubr Energy, LLC is performing its activities based on environmental permissions issued in a legally established manner:
— Conclusions of the local representative body of the Ministry of Nature on the compliance of the construction object accepted for operation with the requirements of design documentation, safety requirements and operational reliability No. 115-2015 dated 10.07.2015;
— Permission for the disposal of production waste No. 23 dated 06/10/2022, issued by the Pinsk City and District Inspection of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;
— Permission for the disposal of production waste No. 17-19 dated 05/14/2019 with amendments and additions dated 06/03/2021, issued by the Mogilev Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;
— Permission for emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air No. 02120/01/00.0823 dated 05/27/2019 with amendments and additions No. 05-13/114 dated 08/19/2022, issued by the Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.