1AK-LI-ION Research and production center for energy storage systems based on Li-Ion batteries.
1AK-LI-ION is a production line of 1AK-GROUP that is developing and scaling. The company improves technologies and is engaged in the development and implementation of promising and alternative energy storage technologies.
The goal of 1AK-GROUP in the development of the lithium-ion direction is the formation in the Republic of Belarus of a knowledge-intensive industry for the production of full-cycle Li-ion batteries:
- R&D in the field of energy storage devices, including methodological developments on their application and efficiency assessment.
- Manufacture of materials and components of chemical current sources (cathodes, anodes, electrolyte).
- Manufacture of energy storage devices for power engineering, electric transport, special transport, telecommunications sector, industry, housing and communal services, agriculture, etc.
- Collection and processing of elements and batteries (buyback program).
- Intelligent control systems for energy storage devices.
- 1000 m² production
- 25 assembly areas
- 1000 kWh per year capacity