
1AK-LI-ION Research and production center for energy storage systems based on Li-Ion batteries.

1AK-LI-ION is a production line of 1AK-GROUP that is developing and scaling. The company improves technologies and is engaged in the development and implementation of promising and alternative energy storage technologies.

The goal of 1AK-GROUP in the development of the lithium-ion direction is the formation in the Republic of Belarus of a knowledge-intensive industry for the production of full-cycle Li-ion batteries:

  1. R&D in the field of energy storage devices, including methodological developments on their application and efficiency assessment.
  2. Manufacture of materials and components of chemical current sources (cathodes, anodes, electrolyte).
  3. Manufacture of energy storage devices for power engineering, electric transport, special transport, telecommunications sector, industry, housing and communal services, agriculture, etc.
  4. Collection and processing of elements and batteries (buyback program).
  5. Intelligent control systems for energy storage devices.

  • 1000 m² production
  • 25 assembly areas
  • 1000 kWh per year capacity

Research and production center

Engineering and production of lithium-ion batteries for electric transport, energy, special transport.

Production area is 1,000 m², 25 assembly areas, production capacity of 100,000 kWh per year, more than 1,500 developed designs.

Engineering and production of Li-Ion batteries

Energy storage systems for energy facilities

  • - Backup power
  • - Storage systems for RES (renewable energy sources) and hybrid systems
  • - Systems for covering peak loads (charging networks)
  • - Mobile electric charging stations
  • - For regulating the network frequency
  • - Energy storage systems for private households

Industrial batteries for:

  • - Backup power
  • - Telecommunications sector
  • - Industry
  • - Housing and communal services
  • - Agriculture and others.

24/7 service.

Design and individual development of each battery

Traction batteries for special-purpose equipment

  • Mining equipment
  • Warehouse equipment
  • Municipal equipment
  • Cleaning equipment
  • Airport equipment
  • Logistics robots
Direction - 1

Traction batteries for electric transport

  • Electric vehicles
  • Railway transport
  • Electric buses
  • Electric trucks
  • Water transport
Direction - 2
Direction - 3